From dKosopedia
- Opium Scandal of 1927.
- First "dive bombing" air strike conducted by U.S. Marine Corps aircraft against pro-Sandino rebel unit in Ocotal, Nicaragua.
- Conservative British Government of Stanley Baldwin passes Trade Disputes and Trade Union Act as a repisal for the miner's strike of 1926. The law all sympathetic strikes illegal, forbiding Civil Service unions to affiliate to the TUC, and making mass picketing illegal.
- Fritz Lang releases Metropolis.
- Hermann Hesse publishes Steppenwolf.
- Soviet authorities release Abraham R. Gotz, former Social-Revolutionary terrorist and Kerensky supporter, from prison. Works in state bank. Stalin orders him shot in 1937.
- U.S. Marines continue the nineteen year long occupation of Haiti, from 1915-1934.
- Paradise Parakeet becomes extinct.
- Italian Minsitry of Colonies declares that Italy is sovereign over northern Somalia.
- January 1: Massachusetts becomes the first state to require auto insurance.
- March 1: Pres. Coolidge appoints first Federal Board of Radio Control.
- March 31: Future UFW leader César Chávez is born near Yuma, Arizona.
- April 9: Mae West found guilty of obscenity in New York and sentenced to 10 days in jail for material and suggestive ad libs in her popular Broadway show Sex; Charges were brought because of complaints by The Society for the Suppression of Vice.
- June 21: Carl Stokes, first black mayor of Cleveland, is born.
- November 25: The Italian Fascist State becomes more repressive with the establishment of the Special Tribunal for the Defence of the State.
- December 2: Ford offers the Model A.