From dKosopedia
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- Republic of Egypt is proclaimed by Gamal Abdel Nasser.
- House Concurrent Resolution 108 declares a sense of Congress that Federal supervision of Native American reservations should be terminated.
- Ugetsu directed by Kenji Mizoguchi is released. Wins Venice Film Festival Prize.
- Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber co-founds the Paris weekly L'Express.
- Arthur Miller's play The Crucible opens on Broadway.
- Arthur C. Clarke publishes Childhood's End.
- China's population is 587.96 million.
- Shipyard Scandal erupts in Japan.
- January: U.S. Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon leaves Republican Party to protest its domination by conservatives. He continued to vote for a GOP majority leader to honor his election as a Republican.
- January: Harold Bauer dies of MDA overdose in U.S. Army drug experiment.
- January 3: Evelyn Lincoln begins working as John F. Kennedy's personal secretary.
- January 5: Future CIA Director George Tenet is born.
- January 7: U.S. President Harry Truman announces U.S. has the hydrogen bomb in his State of the Union address.
- January 20: Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated as President of the United States. Richard Nixon becomes Vice President.
- February 19: Georgia approve s first U.S. literature censorship board.
- February 26: Allen W. Dulles appointed the fifth Director of CIA. Probably doesn't hurt that his brother is Republican Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.
- March 5: Joesph Stalin dies.
- March 5: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida dissolves parliament once again after receiving a vote of no-confidence.
- March 14: Nikita Khrushchev succeeded Georgi Malenkov as secretary of the CPSU.
- March 26: Republican U.S. President Eisenhower offers increased military aid for the French colonial war in Vietnam. Anti-colonialism is for Democrats.
- April 3: Senate Minority Leader Democratic Senator from Texas Lyndon B. Johnson leads eight Congressional leaders in refusing the idea of a joint resolution for the U.S. air force to save the French forces besieged at Dien Bien Phu unless the military effort is part of a larger Allied effort.
- April 19: Demand for a warrant to be issued for the arrest of Eisaku Sato Secretary-General of the Liberal Party in Japan, as part of the Shipyard Scandal, but Prime Minister Yoshida uses his authority to postpone arrest.
- April 27: Jari Askins is born.
- May: U.S. and Ethiopia sign 25 lease agree for Kagnew Station
- May: Aldous Huxley does mescaline for the first time.
- June 4: Atomic bomb test at Yucca Flats, Nevada, equivalent to 50,000 tons of TNT.
- June 26: Two Buddhist orders in Cambodia declare a holy war against French Army.
- July 3: New French Socialist government of Joseph Laniel is sworn into office.
- July 14: Paris police kill six and wound 44 peaceful demonstrators to stop a protest in favor of Algerian independence.
- July 24: Claire McCaskill is born in Rolla, Missouri.
- July 27: Ceasefire is signed, ending the Korean War.
- August: 30 year old Sunni elite Rashid Karami becomes Prime Minister of Lebanon.
- August 16: Attempted coup by Iranian military officers against Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadeq fails.
- August 19: In response to the nationalization of the oil industry by the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, the CIA launches Operation Ajax which reinstates Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to the throne.
- August 22: France closes Devil's Island penal colony. Other uses will be found for French Guyana.
- September 12: Senator John F. Kennedy marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier in Newport, Rhode Island. She is the daughter of John Vernon Bouvier III and Janet Lee Bouvier.
- September 13: Nikita Khrushchev is elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
- September 22: Marie Ségolène Royal is born in Ouakam, Dakar, Senegal.
- October 14: U.S. President Eisenhower promises to fire as communists any federal workers taking the 5th amendment. Jovial soldier proves himself a tower of jello in the face of McCarthism. Willingly sacrifices civil liberties.
- October 15: Britain conducts second open-air nuclear weapons test (Totem Round 1), in Australia at the Woomera Rocket Range.
- October 27: Britain conducts third open-air nuclear weapons test (Totem Round 2), in Australia at the Woomera Rocket Range.
- November: Army biochemist Frank Olsen commits suicide after being given LSD by the CIA.
- 10th Special Forces Groups establishes its first overseas base in the Flint Kaserne at Bad Tölz in Bavaria.
- November 9: Cambodia wins formal independence from France.
- December 5: Italian and Yugoslav troops withdrawn from disputed Trieste.
- December 8: Pres. Eisenhower announces the Atoms for Peace program in a speech at the UN. Helps several countries start their own "peaceful" nuclear energy programs which provide the infrastructure for building nuclear weapons: India, Pakistan. Well done Ike!