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A 911 system routes emergency response calls. After Hurricane Katrina, it took many months for New Orleans' 911 system to come back online. This was because it had very inadequate funding and had a single point of failure, that being, a building in the city itself. Even though distributed call centre technology has existed for decades and is much cheaper than call centres, FEMA saw fit not to fund such an improvement in the one city in the US that was more likely than any other to have its downtown flooded out.
Lisa Irwin, a pediatrician who ran this database, departed the city after the emergency warning, and reported having seen pediatric emergencies on TV for which no pediatricians were available. She was extremely frustated.
bad frame warning
Using the term:911 as a synonym for the September 11, 2001 attacks is disinformation. Use 9/11 instead if you must, though having a shorthand for this incident is undesirable as it can lead to jingoism.