Adam G. Ciongoli
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Adam G. Ciongoli, is a Republican lawyer who was a counselor to John Ashcroft both in the Senate and later when he was United States Attorney General.
He graduated from Georgetown University Law Center in 1995. He began his legal career as a clerk for Samuel Alito, then went to work for Kenneth Starr in private practice. In 1999, he suceeded his friend, Paul D. Clement as as chief counsel to the Constitution Subcommittee, which was chaired by John Ashcroft. He followed Ashcroft to the Justice Department, where he had a key role in writing the Patriot Act, and drafting the administration's order authorizing military commissions to try suspected terrorists and writing the subsequent regulations. Ciongoli was named as the administration's chief liaison to the 9/11 Commission; in this role he was blamed for restricting the commission's access to key people and documents.
After leaving the Justice Department, he became a senior vice president at Time Warner Inc.
In an unusual move, Ciongoli left his lucrative corporate job to become a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. He previously clerked for Alito at the Philadelphia-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit from 1995 to 1996, and also helped Alito prepare for his recent confirmation hearings.
External Links
- Alito Hires as Clerk Former Ashcroft Aide - Washington Post
- Counseling Ashcroft -
- First Fruits of Alito on the Bench - DailyKos article