California special election, 2005
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The California special election of 2005 was held on November 8, 2005. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called for the election on June 13, 2005. California voters rejected all eight ballot propositions. Special interest groups spent hundreds of millions of dollars on gathering signatures and advertising for this election.
- California Proposition 73 would have amended the California Constitution to bar abortion on unemancipated minor until 48 hours after physician notifies minor's parent/legal guardian, except in medical emergency or with parental waiver.
- California Proposition 74 would have increased the length of time required before a teacher may become a permanent employee from two complete consecutive school years to five complete consecutive school years. This measure applied to teachers whose probationary period commenced during or after the 2003-2004 fiscal year. This law would have modified the process by which school boards can dismiss a permanent teaching employee who receives two consecutive unsatisfactory performance evaluations.
- California Propostion 75 Prohibits the use by public employee labor organizations of public employee dues or fees for political contributions except with the prior consent of individual public employees each year on a specified written form.
- California Proposition 76 if passed would have ammended the state constitution to limit spending to prior year’s level plus three previous years’ average revenue growth. The ammendment would also have granted the Governor new power to reduce spending in most program areas.
- California Proposition 77 amends process for redistricting California’s Senate, Assembly, Congressional and Board of Equalization districts. This constitutional ammendment would require a panel of three retired judges, selected by legislative leaders, to adopt new redistricting plan after each national census.
- California Propostion 78 would have established a discount prescription drug program, overseen by the Department of Health Services. Certain low- and moderate- income California residents would be able to purchase prescription drugs at reduced prices.
- California Propostion 79 would have provided prescription drug discounts to Californians who qualify based on income-related standards. The discounts would be funded through rebates from participating drug manufacturers negotiated by California Department of Health Services.
- California Propostion 80 subjects electric service providers to regulation by California Public Utilities Commission. Restricts electricity customers' ability to switch from private utilities to other providers. Requires all retail electric sellers to increase renewable energy resource procurement by 2010.
Groups opposed to the special election
Many organizations worked together to pull of a stunning defeat for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger:
- California Nurses Organization - This group has been dogging Arnold in the most entertaining way. And they're based in Oakland, which automatically makes them cool. Arnold tried to fuck them over with staffing limits, they took him to court and won, he tried it again, they took him to court and won. The major for-profit hospitals must be sending him a ton of money.
- California Teachers Association - were at least as pissed off at him as the nurses are.
- California Professional Firefighters - slightly newer members to the "Sick of being screwed over by Schwarzenegger club" but making up for it with lots of visibility and solidarity with the nurses and teachers.
- California for Democracy - the CA statewide organization for Democracy for America.
- Planned Parenthood - Golden Gate Action Fund - This is the political arm of the SF Bay Area branch of Planned Parenthood; they raised money to defeat the parental notification proposition on the ballot.
- Phil Angelides for Governor - The reputed front-runner. Sent fliers asking for no votes on Propositions 74,75,76, and 77, and in one place it also says no on 73.
- California Democratic Party
- Alliance for a Better California is carrying the bulk of the election work opposing the Governors agenda.