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Talk:Capitalist theocracy

From dKosopedia

It is not clear that "capitalist theocracy," at least as described in this entry, is a useful analytic term or even an actually existing phenomenon. I suggest deleting the entire entry. One of the people 10:00, 8 Nov 2004 (PST)

This is a "MemeTank" entry, as such, it is a new idea that is being promoted. Please indicate exactly why you feel this should be deleted. It seems to me, it's absolutely appropriate and current. How would you describe the Saudi system, for instance, other than capitalist theocracy? Until I receive compelling logic to delete this I will continue to reinstate it.--Peeder 21:25, 8 Nov 2004 (PST)

Saudi Arabia may be an example of "state capitalism" or "crony capitalism." I don't understand how the theocratic elements of Saudi society and government affect the nature of the Saudi economy. Absent a plausible example of either an actually-existing-capitalist-theocracy or a capitalist theocratic movement, I continue to doubt both existence of the concept and its analytic utility.-- One of the people 21:51, 8 Nov 2004 (PST)
And then I don't see what you see as the utility of the entire Daily Kos website, as one could make a strong argument that it is precisely the combination of capitalist-sponsored government (and vice-versa) and government-sponsored religion (and vice-versa) (and one could add the "imperialist" use of the military to shore these planks up) that the majority of the users of this site seem to rail against. If you don't see Saudi Arabia as a capitalist theocracy as defined in this article, I don't know how I'm to convince you. I have decided to ignore this request until a stronger argument shows up that in fact this idea must be *silenced* which it seems you are suggesting. --Peeder 00:15, 9 Nov 2004 (PST)

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This page was last modified 21:56, 7 May 2006 by dKosopedia user Rory096. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) Curps, Peeder and One of the people. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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