Election integrity timeline 2006
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December 2006
- December 29: Democrats agree to let Buchanan take the FL-13 seat temporarily, but Rush Holt (D-NJ) says he shouldn't get "too comfortable"
- December 29: Judge in Sarasota recount case denies plaintiffs the right to inspect ES&S source code (PDF format)
- December 23: Venezuelan-owned Smartmatic sells Sequoia Voting Systems in order to end U.S. inquiry
- December 23: GA Deputy SoS Kathy Rogers will go to work for Diebold; incoming Deputy SoS Rob Simms worked for Diebold lobbyist
- December 22: ES&S iVotronic source code will be reviewed by computer scientists
- December 19: Juanita Millender-McDonald nominated as chair of the Committee on House Administration Millender-McDonald investigated voting irregularities and called for election field hearing in Ohio
- December 19: recount causes apparent overturn in VT state auditor race
- December 14: 36 election integrity organizations submit open letter demanding paper ballot
- December 9: statement to the EAC by Jonah Goldman of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
- December (first week): EAC issues "Election Crimes: An Initial Review and Recommendations for Future Study" (PDF format); analysis by People for the American Way
- December 7: Michael Toner (R) to resign as FEC chair
- December 6: Federal court sides with Native American voters and ACLU in South Dakota
- December 4-5: NIST recommendation for "software-independent" voting machines rejected by TGDC, then weaker recommendation accepted
- December 4: civil lawsuit by NH Democrats against Republicans was scheduled to begin (settled on Dec. 1 -- see below) lawsuit involved 2002 phone-jamming case; Democrats wanted $4.1 million but Republicans only wanted to pay at most $21,287
- December 3: Rally for a revote in Sarasota, FL see also BeTheMedia's Sarasota diary, December 1-8
- December 1: Democrats settle with Republicans for damages in NH phone-jamming case (trial was scheduled for Dec. 4 -- see above) settle for monetary damages three days before trial was to begin; settlement could not be discussed publicly; criminal proceedings continue
November 2006
- November 29: Italy's Interior Minister Giuliano Amato announces that Italy will stop using electronic voting machines
- November 27: Federal District Court in OH strikes down ban on paying signature-gatherers on a per-signature basis
- November 22: People for the American Way express doubts about two members of the Sarasota vote audit team PFAW criticizes choice of David Drury, Alec Yacinsac; claims they have vested interests in voting machines
- November 21: Harry Reid proposes Rodriguez to fill EAC vacancy (Rosemary Rodriguez is a Denver City Councilwoman)
- November 18: Jennings-Buchanan recount in FL ends in Buchanan's favor Supervisor of Elections Kathy Dent claims that touchscreens made no errors despite high proportion of undervotes (dKos diary)
- November 17: David King nominated by Boston mayor Menino to investigate Boston elections city's review will not affect Secretary of State Galvin's review (see November 13 item)
- November 16: Election Defense Alliance declares "Major Miscount of Vote in 2006 Election" (one of several dKos diaries on the subject)
- November 16: Alachua (FL) lawsuit against Charlie Grapski thrown out of court
- November 16: Sarasota public hearing on voting irregularities link from Daily Kos comment
- November 14: Denver election commissioner resigns
- November 14: Shaun Hansen becomes third conspirator to plead guilty in NH 2002 phone-jamming suit
- November 14: U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley issues Agreed Enforcement Order in the NEOCH v. Blackwell case which specifies the requirements for counting provisional ballots
- November 13: Recount in Sarasota, FL begins
- November 13: MA SoS Galvin announces he'll be taking charge of Boston Election Department Galvin charges that failure to deliver all printed ballots to polls constitutes a violation of election law
- November 13: Randy Wooten files protest in AK Wooten voted for himself on a voting machine, but there were no votes tabulated for him
- November 12: 18,000 undervotes in Sarasota, FL (see also Sarasota recount 2006)
- November 8: OH-2 (Wulsin/Schmidt), OH-15 (Kilroy/Pryce) still undecided
- November 7: Secretary of State races 2006
- November 7: FBI investigates VA voter intimidation
- November 7: VA-Sen vote (Webb/Allen) still undecided (Allen later concedes after canvassing of vote)
- November 7: Election Day
- November 6: Department of Justice to deploy more than 850 federal personnel in 22 states to monitor for possible violations of federal voting laws
- November 6: NH forces GOP to stop illegal robocalls
- November 3: Howard Dean, chair of the DNC, responds to Washington Post article describing Republican Party manual instructing MD pollwatchers to aggressively challenge voters by calling for Ken Mehlman, his Republican counterpart, to repudiate the manual
- November 3: MO Secretary of State Robin Carnahan is asked for photo ID, in violation of state law (see diary by davidkc)
- November 1: Settlement reached on OH voter ID case (see diary by Jello2028)
October 2006
- October 30: Report by UConn Voting Technology Research Center faculty declares Diebold optical scan voting machines vulnerable (full report)
- October 30: Tarrant County Democratic Party and four local voters files federal lawsuit against Texas secretary of state (via diary by anna)
- October 28: Miami Herald reports on voting machine glitches that favor Republicans (via diary by Cream City)
- October 28: Sixth Circuit stays temporary restraining order issued by Judge Marbley in Ohio voter ID case
- October 26: Voter ID hearing in Ohio
- October 25: Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec issues a disturbing report on e-voting in the 2005 election
- October 24: names, info truncated on Hart InterCivic DREs in VA; problem won't be fixed until 2007
- October 23: Illinois Ballot Integrity Project announces it has hacked into voter database
- October 23: lawsuit filed in OH alleging inconsistencies in application of HB 3
- October 20: investigation deepens of voter intimidation letter allegedly sent by Republican congressional candidate Tan Nguyen
- October 20: MA SoS William Galvin announces that DREs (with paper trail) will be available in "select" MA cities and towns during upcoming election
- October 20: U.S. Supreme Court reinstates AZ voter ID law (analysis by Dan Tokaji, analysis by Rick Hasen)
- October 20: Baltimore Sun article: "Former delegate gets purported Diebold code"
- October 17: Charlie Grapski faces arraignment on felony wiretapping charges for openly recording his meetings with election officials
- October 16: Alaska Democratic Party says 2004 election database was changed after votes were tallied
- October 16: MO Supreme Court strikes down voter ID law
- October 13-15: Voting Rights Revival Conference Columbus, OH (description by Daily Kos diarist IngThing)
- October 13: Brad Blog reports on suppressed EAC report finding little evidence of voter fraud
- October 13: Release of report by Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, et al.: "Voting in 2006: Have We Solved the Problems of 2004?" (report text (PDF))
- October 11: USA Today article on unpublished EAC study finding little evidence for voter fraud (as opposed to election fraud) (overview)
- October 10: Brennan Center releases chapter from their report "The Machinery of Democracy: Voting System Security, Accessibility, Usability, and Cost" (overview)
- October 7: New York Times editorial by Adam Cohen criticizes Voter ID bill H.R. 4844
- October 6: FEC rules that money used to pay for vote recounts and legal challenges is subject to campaign finance restrictions
- October 5: Ninth Circuit blocks Arizona registration & ID law
- October 5: Caltech/MIT conference on registration & identification
- October 4: Court order for naturalized citizen voters in Ohio
- October 4: Voter Action files petition with the Wisconsin State Elections Board to decertify DREs
- October 4: suit filed in Alameda County, CA to block use of Sequoia DRE until tested (suit led by Voter Action)
September 2006
- September 29-30: We Count 2006: A Conference About Fair Elections and Democracy (Cleveland, OH)
- September 29: Confidence in Voting Act of 2006 (H.R. 6187 IH) introduced by Rush Holt (D-NJ) - reimbusement for paper ballots in 2006 general election
- September 29: Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) mentions in the Congressional Record four documents recently posted on the EAC website recommending specific election practices
- September 28: House passes voter ID bill H.R. 4844
- September 28: Election Fraud Conference, Salt Lake City, UT (sponsored by VTP, Univ of Utah Ctr for Public Policy & Administration)
- September 28: Committee on House Administration hearing on "Electronic Voting Machines: Verification, Security, and Paper Trails"; hearing results at "Are Paper Trails Really the Answer to Election Disputes?"; comment at Dan Tokaji's Equal Vote Blog
- September 22: conference: "The 2006 Elections: Are We Ready?" hosted by AEI/Brookings Election Reform Project, Washington, DC
- September 20-25: Georgia's state elections board sent letters to voters - one day after judge throws out Georgia voter ID law, state elections board sends letters to voters telling them they must show IDs
- September 20-22: Court case on whether electronic voting machines should be allowed in Colorado Court case settled in favor of VoterAction.org and against the Secretary of State
- September 20: debate and vote on H.R.4844, which would have imposed strict new ID requirements on voters
- September 19: state Superior Court judge throws out Georgia voter ID law
- September 18: Palo Alto, CA passes Voter Confidence Resolution
- September 16: Washington Post reports on possibility of Maryland-2006-primary-style debacles in upcoming November election
- September 15: Caroline C. Hunter nominated for EAC
- September 14: Cole County Circuit Judge Richard Callahan blocks MO Voter ID law
- September 14: Colorado Secretary of State Gigi Dennis has appointed unqualified certifier for voting machines (source: Denver Post)
- September 13: Sarasota judge (Florida's 12th Judicial Circuit) rules that paper trail referendum must be on the ballot
- September 12: widespread MD primary problems including voter access cards not delivered on time to polls
- September 6: hearing for lawsuit by Sarasota Alliance for Fair Elections against Board of County Commissioners
- September 1: declaration of Richard Hayes Phillips regarding OH election fraud (PDF)
- September 1: lawsuit against OH for requiring in-person distribution of registration forms judge rules in favor of dropping the new requirements
August 2006
- August 31: Ohio will delay destruction of 2004 presidential ballots
- August 29: Lehto suit seeking Busby recount dismissed
- August 23: Court announces that Nader must pay for lawsuit challenging petition signatures
- August 15: ES&S sends letter to Florida election officials informing them of delayed response times on their DREs; Kathy Dent, Sarasota Supervisor of Elections, disregards ES&S's recommendation
- August 3: DNC announces expanded national voter protection effort
- August 1: USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop Vancouver, B.C., Canada
July 2006
- July 22-25: NASS Conference (National Association of Secretaries of State)
- July 20: CA case remanded back to state court
- July 19: Joint Hearing - House Science Committee and House Administration Committee Voting Machines: Will the New Standards and Guidelines Help Prevent Future Problems? (witnesses: John Groh, ITAA; Dr. David Wagner, UC Berkeley; William Jeffrey, NIST; Linda Lamone, NASED)
- July 17: Democrats challenge new Missouri voter ID law
- July 14: DNC's Voting Rights Institute demands hand count of Busby/Bilbray ballots (see also dKos diary)
- July 13: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Michael Papantonio bring a qui tam suit in US District Court alleging that Diebold and other electronic voting machine (EVM) companies fraudulently represented to state election boards and the federal government that their products were “unhackable”
- July 13: Judge gives OK to question high-ranking Republicans over NH phone jamming (James Tobin case)
- July 13: VoterGA brings lawsuit challenging electronic voting machines
- July 13: House reauthorizes Voting Rights Act, 390-33
- July 12: FSU College Democrats and Heartland PAC deliver "VOTES Declaration" to FL Sec. of State (follow-up to similar action in OH); source: diary, written by Tom Vilsack
- July 12: Court stops photo ID in GA primary (see [1] for commentary by Spencer Overton)
- July 2: Mexican election 2006
June 2006
- June 29: College Democrats in OH and Heartland PAC deliver "VOTES Declaration" to OH Sec. of State; source: diary, written by Tom Vilsack
- June 28: Arizona Governor Napolitano signs SB 1557 into law making Arizona the 28th state to pass a VVPR requirement and 13th to mandate manual audits
- June 28: CO voters seek court order to prevent the use of certain DREs: Conroy v. Dennis
- June 27: Brennan Center Task Force June 2006 report ("The Machinery of Democracy: Protecting Elections in an Electronic World")
- June 26: filing of Avante lawsuit
- June 21: GOP stalls Voting Rights Act renewal
- June 20: DNC's Voting Rights Institute and National Lawyers Council hold VRI election protection summit
- June 12: U.S. League of Women Voters adopts resolution at Minneapolis Summer Convention that all voting systems should include voter-verifiable paper ballots which should be the official ballots and used in independent audits of election results.
- June 8: EAC oversight hearings
- June 6: GAO report "Elections: The Nation's Evolving Election System As Reflected in the November..." (GAO)
- June 6: Special election in CA-50: Francine Busby (D) vs. Brian Bilbray (R). Many voting irregularities, especially unsupervised machine "sleepovers," prompt the CA Election Protection Coalition and other organizations to pass a Voters' Resolution of No Confidence
- June 1: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. article "Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" (Rolling Stone)
May 2006
- May 11: Harry Hursti, with Black Box Voting, announces a significant security flaw with Diebold’s AccuVote-TS and TSx voting systems. (see analysis by Avi Rubin and Ed Felten)
April 2006
- April 7: GAO report "Elections: Absentee Voting Assistance to Military..." (GAO)
March 2006
- March 27: Shaun Hansen pleads guilty in NH phone-jamming case
- March 7: Burlington, VT conducts instant runoff voting election on almost-open-source software (see NewsForge article , Kleppner analysis (PDF))
- March 3: Gov. Bill Richardson (NM) signs paper-ballot bill into law
January 2006
- January 5: Diebold admits in their "Response to Pennsylvania Request for Clarification on Basic Issues" that their OS, TS and TSX voting equipment uses interpreted code, in violation of the 1990 and 2002 FEC technical standards banning the use of interpreted code on memory cards (see EAC Voting Systems Standards/Guidelines, section 4.2.2)