Ellen Tauscher
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Categories: 110th Congress | California Democrats
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Ellen Tauscher is the Democratric Representative from the 10th Congressional District of California.
Tauscher was born in Newark, Essex County, New Jerasey on November 15, 1951. She was awarded a B.S. from Seton Hall University in 1974, then worked as investment banker on the New York Stock Exchange from 1977-1979 before founding the Child Care Registry, Inc. In 1992 she was elected to the 105th Congress and has been relected four since then, serving from January 3, 1997 to the present. She is a former vice-chair of the DLC.
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Nuclear Non-Proliferation
On July 28, 2006 Tauscher joined Ed Markey and Barbara Lee in signign a letter to the U.S. State Department's Inspector General demanding investigation for the delay in disclosing sanctions aginst two Indian firms for doing business with Iran until after a vote on the 2006 U.S.-Indian Nuclear Agreement. The sanctions were imposed under the U.S. Iran-Syria Non-proliferation Act. Source: n.a. "Probe Sought on Delayed US Report on India." Washington Post & Reuters. July 28, 2006. On March 9, 2005 Al Jezirah mistakenly reported that Representative Tauscher had disclosed a heretofore unknown 1962 nuclear weapons test in Sudan during a March 2, 2005 hearing of the House Armed Services Strategic Services Subcommittee. In reality, Representative Tauscher had referenced the July 6, 1962 "Sedan" nuclear weapons test at the Nevada Test Site in the United States. The term "Sedan' was mistakenly transcribed as 'Sudan' by both the Federal News Service and FDCH Political Transcripts. See: http://www.fas.org/irp/news/2005/03/sudan.html
Contact Information
Washington DC Office
1034 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-1880
Fax: (202) 225-5914
Walnut Creek Office
2121 North California Blvd.
Suite 555
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 932-8899
Fax: (925) 932-8159
Antioch Office
420 West 3rd Street
Antioch, CA 94509
Phone: (925) 757-7187
Fairfield Office
2000 Cadenasso Drive
Suite A
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 428-7792
GovTrack link
External Links
- Rep.Ellen Tauscher's House website bio page
- TAUSCHER, Ellen O'Kane from Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-Present
- Rep. Ellen Tauscher On the Issues
- OpenSecrets.org: Career Profile of Rep. Ellen Tauscher
- OpenCongress.org: Rep. Ellen Tauscher
- Progressive Punch: Rep. Ellen Tauscher
- Project Vote Smart: Interest Group Ratings of Rep. Ellen Tauscher
- Washington Post Votes Database: Rep. Ellen Tauscher