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Categories: Hawaii | Native Hawaiians
Ilio'ulaokalani is a coalition of kumu hula founded in 1997 in response to "State Senate Bill 8 and House Bill 1920, which would have required native Hawaiians to register to practice traditional religious, cultural and subsistence practices on undeveloped land." [1]
'Ilio'ulaokalani's website states its mission and guiding principles:
'Ilio'ulaokalani’s Mission:'lio'ulaokalani Coalition, Inc. is an island wide grassroots organization comprised of kumu (master teachers) and loea (cultural experts) whose purpose is to link and apply traditional Hawaiian cultural principles, practices and skills to effect educational, social, environmental and economic change for the betterment and advancement of native Hawaiians and the community at large.
Our goals are to educate the general public through workshops, panel discussions, conferences and public performances on the importance of protecting our natural environment and cultural resources. We educate and raise the consciousness of Hawai'i’s people through annualfundraising concerts of Hawaiian music and dance. 'Ilio`ulaokalani is committed to cultural endeavors, political activism, and consensus building. [2]
'Ilio'ulaokalani Coalition will be guided by the following principles:
- Aloha mai, Aloha aku
- Love is received, love is given
- Aloha aku, Aloha mai
- Love is given, Love is received
- LOKAHI: harmony, balance, working together towards the same goal, achievement through unity and consensus with common understanding;
- KUPONO: to stand with righteousness, honesty, integrity, balance, and harmony in all that we do;
- MALAMA: compassion, gentleness, nurturing, sensitivity, to protect, cultivate, grow, nurture, perpetuate, guardianship, servant
- KULEANA: responsibility and accountability that go with rights and priviledges;
- MANA: efficacious power that fuels our passions, divine power that eminates from all things revitalizes all life from which we draw energy to infuse into our work and all that we do; connects us to the land and universe; provides mutual revitalization between man and nature [3]
In 1999, 'Ilio'ulaokalani, under the direction of Momi Kamahele, worked with University of Hawaii's ASUH president Pi'ilani Smith and GSO president Mamo Kim to bring public awareness and attention to the desecration of Mauna Kea by the university's Institute for Astronomy.
'Ilio'ulaokalani Coalition Board of Directors, 2005
- President Vicky Holt Takamine, O'ahu Island
- Kumu hula, Pua Ali'i 'Ilima, lecturer, University of Hawai'i
- Vice President Sonny Ching, O'ahu Island
- Kumu hula, Hälau O Na Mamo O Pu'uanahulu
- Secretary Sabra Kauka, Kaua’i Island
- education specialist, weaver, hula practitioner, Papa Lauaÿe O Makana
- Treasurer Manu Kaiama, O'ahu Island
- Exec. Director, Native Hawaiian Leadership Project, cpa
- Director Issac Harp, Hawai'i Island,
- Fisherman
- Exec. Director Wayne Kaho’onei Panoke, O'ahu Island
- Kumu hula, Hälau Hula O Kaho'onei [4]</p>
External links
- Enomoto, Catherine Kekoa. Dance of the red dog -- Kumu hula unite and realize their power in the push for sovereignty and preservation of culture Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 29, 1997.
- Enomoto, Catherine Kekoa. Kumu Hula Taking a stand in Hawaii politics -- To many of them, hula is more than art. It's a way of life. Now they're taking that feeling and their visibility and using them to make a difference Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 16, 1998.
- Ohira, Rod. Hawaiians dispute Heco Waahila Ridge report -- An archaeologist says the mountain ridge doesn't have the integrity of a historical landmark Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 29, 1998.
- Diane Yukihiro Chang. Casting a vote on Waahila controversy Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 31, 1998.
- Tswei, Suzanne. Hawaiians stress unity, nonviolence in protests -- Hawaiian groups meet to discuss political strategies for the challenging future Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 6, 2000.
- Omandam, Pat. Hawaiian groups vow vigorous battle against legal challenge Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 9, 2001.
- Kamalii, Adrian. Rant and Rave: Hawaiians targets of racism Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 22, 2001.
- Bernardo, Rosemarie. Rights march unifies groups -- Hawaiian clubs, trusts and agencies marshal thousands to protest threats to entitlements Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 8, 2003.
- Carberry, Jacqueline. Honoring tradition -- 28th Prince Lot Fest may be the last Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 15, 2005.
- Staton, Ron. Mainland alumni to protest ruling -- Organizers say expats want to stand behind Kamehameha Schools Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 19, 2005.
- Apgar, Sally. Hawaiian women chart their own path to power Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 25, 2005.
- Kakesako, Gregg. Army to resume Stryker training -- A federal suit had halted construction and GIs' preparation Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 14, 2007.