From dKosopedia
MZM was a San Diego area defense contractor that was founded by Mitchell Wade. Wade was forced to resign in June 2005 after he was exposed in the Randy Cunningham bribery case. His sucessor was James C. King. MZM has changed its name to Athena Innovative Solutions. MZM is also related to True Norte Inc., which is registered in MD, DC and VA.
In February 2003, MZM won a two-month contract worth $503,144.70 to provide technical support to the Pentagon's Joint Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA. The contract called for MZM to help select a Geospatial Information System, and to gather data on US airports, ports, dams, churches/mosques/synagogues, schools (and) power plants. MZM also has contracts to provide linguists for interrogating prisoners in Iraq, and to run the Foreign Supplier Assesment Center. In addition, MZM won contracts totaling more than $250,000 to provide unspecified "intelligence services" to the White House - apparently for work on the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.
- MZM Inc.
- 1523 New Hampshire Ave., NW
- Washington, DC 20036
- Phone: (202) 518-5240
- Fax: (202) 518-5241
External Links
- Pentagon hired contractor to advise on collecting information on churches, mosques, other U.S. sites By Jonathan S. Landay, Knight Ridder Newspapers, March 17, 2006.
- Mitchell Wade's MZM > True Norte - DailyKos diary
- Windfalls of War