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30 Days to Creating a Progressive Change in Direction November, 2006

It’s a pivotal time in the world and at this crossroads it is imperative to be sure we are heading in a direction that supports cooperation and friendship rather than paranoia and frustration.

Is it possible to reverse the collective mindset of humanity with a minimum of conflict?

I think it is possible and want to invite each of you to join me in a peaceful and pro-active game process known as “Sacred Cow Tipping” throughout the month of November. Sacred Cows are social agreements, decrees, doctrines, adages or points of law that have outlived their positive purpose, if there ever was one, and have become a burden to our evolution. They are important because as long as the agreement behind a Sacred Cow remains unconscious, our collective mindset continues to behave as if the agreement were still in force. This causes unnecessary suffering and a slowing down of progressive change for the better. Therefore the purpose of Sacred Cow Tipping is to support and ground us as we navigate the difficult waters ahead without a lot of dogma from the past holding us down.

Imagine a Super Tanker heading out to sea with all it’s anchors down. That is the kind of dragging effect Sacred Cows have on the collective consciousness of us as human beings. If we want to move forward with greater ease, it is important to uncover the “Cows”, evaluate their usefulness and release them if necessary through the use of our individual free will.

Once an agreement with a given Sacred Cow is released, we are freed from the negative karma that is associated with it. For example, one possible Sacred Cow would be “Do as I say, not as I do”. If you were to release your personal and ancestral agreement with that adage, you would be releasing yourself from your unconscious compliance with hypocrisy. That would give you a new level of freedom in your ability to affect positive change. In addition, you would be engaging in a process that can effectively “dry up” the channels through which our collective energy is currently being drained and squandered by the Status Quo.

Participating is a free and fully voluntary process. Beginning on November 1st, Soul Resources will be announcing the first Sacred Cow Tipping and post additional announcements for the following thirty days. Each Sacred Cow will have a special bearing on important issues that are interfering with our ability to exercise our free will and personal sovereignty.

There is nothing to lose, except perhaps the 5 - 10 minutes that it takes to play the game. If enough of us release all thirty Sacred Cows, it is possible to co-create a tipping point or critical mass that would substantially and irreversably “loosen the burdensome yoke of the old guard”.

All that’s required is to bookmark [1] in your favorites list and do your best to play as many of the thirty games that you are called to play over the month of November.

I know we have a lot of assistance available to us. Let’s put it to good use.


Rheanni Lightwater copyright 2006

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This page was last modified 02:00, 7 November 2006 by Rheanni Lightwater. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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