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Oregon Governor

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The governor is the chief executive of Oregon.

The governor is elected to a four-year term and is limited to two terms in office. The governor must be a U.S. citizen, at least 30 years old, and an Oregon resident for three years before taking office.

The governor provides leadership, planning and coordination for the executive branch of state government. He appoints many department and agency heads within the executive branch and appoints members to more than 200 policymaking, regulatory and advisory boards and commissions.

The governor proposes a two-year budget to the legislature, recommends a legislative program to each regular session and may also call special sessions. He reviews all bills passed by the legislature and may veto measures he believes are not in the public interest.

The governor chairs both the State Land Board, which manages state-owned lands, and the Progress Board, which sets strategic goals for Oregon. The governor directs state government’s coordination with local and federal governments and is commander-in-chief of the state’s military forces.

If the office of governor becomes vacant, the office passes, in order, to the secretary of state, state treasurer, president of the Senate and speaker of the House of Representatives. There is no lieutenant governor in Oregon.

The Oregon Constitution charges the governor with faithfully executing the laws, making recommendations to the legislature and transacting all necessary business of government. The governor may veto bills of the legislature and shall fill vacancies by appointment. The governor appoints judges to fill vacancies in judicial office, has extradition authority and may grant reprieves, commutations and pardons of criminal sentences.

The current Governor is Ted Kulongoski. The term of office for governor is four years.

Contact Information

Ted Kulongoski, Governor
State Capitol Bldg.
900 Court St. NE

Salem, OR 97301-4047

Telephone: 503-378-3111
Fax: 503-378-8970
Records Officer Email: Leann Wilcox Staff Directory

List of Governors of Oregon

# Name Party Term
1 John Whiteaker Democratic 1859–1862
2 A. C. Gibbs Republican 1862–1866
3 George L. Woods Republican 1866–1870
4 La Fayette Grover Democratic 1870–1877
5 Stephen F. Chadwick Democratic 1877–1878
6 W. W. Thayer Democratic 1878–1882
7 Z. F. Moody Republican 1882–1887
8 Sylvester Pennoyer Democratic-Populist 1887–1895
9 William Paine Lord Republican 1895–1899
10 T. T. Geer Republican 1899–1903
11 George E. Chamberlain Democratic 1903–1909
12 Frank W. Benson Republican 1909–1910
13 Jay Bowerman Republican 1910–1911
14 Oswald West Democratic 1911–1915
15 James Withycombe Republican 1915–1919
16 Ben W. Olcott Republican 1919–1923
17 Walter M. Pierce Democratic 1923–1927
18 I. L. Patterson Republican 1927–1929
19 A. W. Norblad Republican 1929–1931
20 Julius L. Meier Independent 1931–1935
21 Charles H. Martin Democratic 1935–1939
22 Charles A. Sprague Republican 1939–1943
23 Earl Snell Republican 1943–1947
24 John H. Hall Republican 1947–1949
25 Douglas McKay Republican 1949–1952
26 Paul L. Patterson Republican 1952–1956
27 Elmo Smith Republican 1956–1957
28 Robert D. Holmes Democratic 1957–1959
29 Mark Hatfield Republican 1959–1967
30 Tom McCall Republican 1967–1975
31 Robert W. Straub Democratic 1975–1979
32 Victor G. Atiyeh Republican 1979–1987
33 Neil Goldschmidt Democratic 1987–1991
34 Barbara Roberts Democratic 1991–1995
35 John Kitzhaber Democratic 1995–2003
36 Ted Kulongoski Democratic 2003—

External links

Retrieved from "http://localhost../../../o/r/e/Oregon_Governor_5059.html"

This page was last modified 20:13, 2 April 2006 by dKosopedia user Allamakee Democrat. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) Lestatdelc. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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