From dKosopedia
Bonobos (the good guys):
* They live in an area with a relatively large supply of available food. * They travel in much larger groups because food is abundant. * There is a reduced level of violence between males, between males and females, and between neighboring groups. * There is no evidence of rape, infanticide, or battering of females. * The top female and male are equal to each other. * Females cooperate much closer with other females, forming coalitions for protection and mutual support. * Males never cooperate with each other for defense or to attack females. Even the highest ranking male can be defeated by females ganging up on him. * Females engage in mutual friendships that include erotic love-making, mutual masturbation, lesbianism (genito-genital rubbing) and grooming as a way of bonding. * Males also practice mutual masturbation, and there is no competition for mating with females capable of hiding when they can become pregnant. * Bonobos have sex to make friends, and can mate or have sex dozens of times a day.
Chimpanzees (the bad guys):
* They live in smaller groups because food is scarce -- mostly fruit and meat. * Neighboring groups of chimps engage in warfare -- one group will form raiding parties to find isolated males of another group and beat them to death -- with a great deal of revelry and enthusiasm. * Young males when they mature will systematically beat and harass females until all the females are submissive to them. * Females prefer mating with the more violent, aggressive males because they will afford them more protection from other males, even though the females will often times be abused. * The females also have established hierarchies, and their children are born into the status positions of the mother (to be lost or improved by the individual later). ยท Sex is traded for food, favors, and status seeking. * Males will form alliances to gain and keep a high rank, with far more frequent violence. * Hunting is a regular feature, with a great deal of blood lust shown at the time of the kill (similar to genocidal attacks).
and this video: