From dKosopedia
Chad Lupkes is a political activist in Seattle, Washington.
Executive Director: Democracy for Washington
King County Rep, 46th LD Democrats
Chair, Washington State Progressive Caucus
Coordinator: Progressive Democratic Caucuses of Washington
Current Projects
As of August 29th, 2006, I'm a Sysop here on Feel free to contact me. I'm most active on Wikia, but I will respond.
I'm working slowly on getting the pages here on dkosopedia categorized and cleaned up. Glad to see we finally upgraded to a more recent version of MediaWiki! I'm also a Bureaucrat for Campaigns Wikia, a site similar to this one but allowing All Points of View as a policy (a policy I drafted). The site started on July 4th, and we're building some good infrastructure to help expand the wikiverse.