dKosopedia talk:General disclaimer
From dKosopedia
Sadly, this is a typical generalization...Republicans are fiscal conservatives. If one wants to cover the racist issue, Republicans that have always been Republicans were the abolitionist movement and Lincoln was the author of the Emancipation Proclamation. The south was totally anti Republican until 1980 with Reagan who was born and raised in Illinois and was a Democrat in California until he became a Republican...doesn't bode well for him being a racist. He was a successful California Governor, and was never accused as being a racist until the Democrats who have a great history of being racist (see the Senator from West Virginia a Grand Dragon of the KKK) tried to label him as a racist because the south was supporting him. Nice try but not valid. Ronald Reagan was never racist, and there is nothing to support the claim...just another smear campaign. There are actually more racists in the Democrat history than Republican. The Bush's certainly cannot be accused of it, with an entirely New England background until George, Sr. moved to Huston. His mother is a Yankee of the McCall family. Actually one of the things that George senior had to push to the side was his point of view about abortion. The Bush's were pro choice, as many Republicans are. Just as many Democrats are Pro Life...not a viable issue in either case. Politics has nothing to do with the Pro Choice/Pro Life issue, it is a religious issue that everyone tries to inject into the political arena. None of the present candidates looking to 2008 are strong on either side. Like most people that are really politically active, they just don't consider it an issue that will be addressed other than in Supreme Court appointees. And that is not an issue that any appointee is going to address, so that's a guess as to where one stands. The Republican party has had more top level Black appointees in the cabinet level that are top quality people than the Democrats. Check it out. When Black appointees to the Supreme Court by the Democrats, it has been praised as fair and equal...when one is appointed by the Republican the Democrats (of all people) have smeared the reputation of the candidates as best they could. The same with Dr. Condoleezza Rice. brilliant lady of COLOR.
When someone has a valid statement other than "the south"(and you notice where the largest portion of the persons of color STILL choose to live.) Or some inane little statement that was ambiguous and could be interpreted any possible way...then I will think that fiscal conservatives might also have some racists among them...I definitely am not one of them and I find it offensive and "partiest" to put such a GENERALIZATION on a good percentage of the voters of the USA and not think of all the racists that are Black and hate whites!! Or all of the Democrat racists.
Actually kind of makes the person that said "Republicans are racist" sort of fall into that prejudiced category doesn't it?