George Galloway
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George Galloway was the Respect Party Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green & Bow from 2005 to 2010. He defeated Labour Party candidate and supporter of the Iraq war, Oona King in the May 2005 British General Election. The swing vote in the constituency was a whopping 26%. He opposed the sanctions imposed on Iraq following the 1991 Gulf War. He is a strong critic of Prime Minister Tony Blair and his government's support for the second Bush administration's War in Iraq. The 2005 election reduced the Blair government's majority from 167 to 66 seats.
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Galloway had previously been the Labour MP for Glasgow Hillhead, which he took from the SDP leader Roy Jenkins in the 1983 General election. He left the Labour party over the Iraq war and helped found Respect, abandoning his Glasgow seat for one of Britain's most Moslem seats.
Galloway is hated and sometimes libelled by conservatives. In her 2006 neo-conservative diatribe Menace in Europe, Claire Berlinski attempts to smear Galloway by writing that, "If I were an Arab parent, I would not let that man anywhere near my daughters." (page 88)
- "Oona King boasted that she was going to finish me off. The defeat was not her defeat this evening. It was a defeat for Tony Blair, New Labour and all their betrayals....Mr. Blair, this is for Iraq. The defeat you've suffered--and all the other defeats New Labour has suffered this evening--is for Iraq. All the people you killed,, all the lies you told, have come back to haunt you. The best thing that the Labour Party can do is sack you tomorrow morning." May 5, 2005. Source: Zachary Shore. 2006. Breeding Bin Ladens: America, Islam, and the Future of Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Pp. 27-28.
- Claire Berlinski. 2006. Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis is America's Too. new York: Three Rivers Press. P. 88.
- Steven Kittell. 2006. Dirty Politics? New Labour, British Democracy and the Invasion of Iraq. London: Zed Press. Pp. 107-108.
- George Galloway. 2005. I'm not the only one. London: Penguin Books
- George Galloway. 2005. Mr Galloway goes to Washington New York: The New Press