From dKosopedia
Drew, are you sure that Nadine Thomas is retiring from the state senate? --JamesB3 07:00, 1 Jun 2004 (PDT)
Yes, she is running in GA-4. - kitchentable
I realize that, but Mary Squires is running for the Senate and I don't think she's resigned her legislature seat. --JamesB3 11:51, 1 Jun 2004 (PDT)
Actually she hasn't resigned her seat but she is not eligible to run for re-election to it at the same time as being a qualified candidate for Senate. I don't think you can run for two anything under Georgia law. - kitchentable
--Drew 21:01, 9 Jun 2004 (PDT) I think KT is right. You can't run for one office while holding another in Georgia; when you qualify for one you have to resign from the other. Hence the special election to fill Woolard's City Council Presidency despite the fact that she hasn't won the GA-04 election and her term would not normally expire until 2005.