Ginny Schrader
From dKosopedia
Ginny Schrader (D-Blogosphere) is the candidate of the netroots. On July 19, 2004, Ginny Schrader was the recipient of what is now considered to be the most important blogosphere action of the 2004 cycle.
Schrader bio:
Birthdate, June 26, 1944, lived in Braintree, Mass until 1971
Graduate of Suffolk University, Boston, Mass in June 1971, BA in Government Temple University, Philadelphia, PA in June 1977, Master of Public Administration Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, PA June 1986, JD
Admitted to Pennsylvania Bar, December 1986 and New Jersey Bar, May 1989
Retired after 16 years as Vice President and Counsel for American International Recovery, a subsidiary of AIG, resident of Lower Makefield since early 1994, registered Democrat, congregant of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, President of the Board of Directors of the Pennsbury Arts Foundation,Deputy Chair of the Bucks County Democratic Committee (2005, Co-Chair of the Finance Committee for the Bucks County NAACP
Married in 1962, two children, Lisa and Rich, Divorced 1965, married to George H. Schrader, September 1993, Ginny's daughter Lisa Freedman, is a PAT teacher at William Penn Middle School, married to Jeff Freedman.
Ginny's son, Rich Waters, is a recent graduate of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Waters, recently retired after 15 years with the Philadelphia Police Dept., the last 9 years as Detective.