Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
From dKosopedia
Categories: Foundations | Hawaii
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. "is dedicated to assisting the poor, primarily through operating and capital grants to direct service organizations located in Baltimore, Hawaii, Northeastern Pennsylvania, New York, Israel and the Former Soviet Union. These grants are focused on meeting basic needs such as shelter, nutrition, health and socialization and on enhancing an individual’s ability to meet those needs. Within that focus, emphasis is placed on the elderly and Jewish communities." [1]
"The Foundation has assets with a value of approximately $2 billion as of February 28, 2005. The Foundation made more than 400 grants in its fiscal year ending February 29, 2005 totaling more than $98 million." [2]
Approximately one-third of the Weinberg Foundation grants are to Hawaii related charities.
The Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation was founded in 1959 by Harry Weinberg and his wife Jeanette. Harry Weinberg made his mark on business in Hawaii, by acquiring undervalued assets and is well remembered for his running of the Honolulu Rapid Transit Ltd. which ran the bus system in Honolulu until the City and County of Honolulu bought the system in 1971.