House Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity
From dKosopedia
The subcommittee, formerly chaired by Rep. Robert Ney (OH), oversees public and private housing, community development, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The panel has done extensive work to evaluate and form solutions for housing affordability shortages across America. Maxine Waters (CA) is the ranking minority member. Can't wait till January! The subcommittee homepage is here. No business is currently scheduled.
According to the Housing and Community Opportunity's website its jurisdiction is the following:
The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity is set forth in clause (a)(1)(D) of Rule 5 of the Rules for the Committee on Financial Services as follows:
Establishment and Responsibilities of Subcommittees
(a)(1) There shall be 5 subcommittees of the Committee as follows:
(D) SUBCOMMITTEE ON HOUSING AND COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITY.—The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity includes—
(i) housing (except programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs), including mortgage and loan insurance pursuant to the National Housing Act; rural housing; housing and homeless assistance programs; all activities of the Government National Mortgage Association; private mortgage insurance; housing construction and design and safety standards; housing-related energy conservation; housing research and demonstration programs; financial and technical assistance for nonprofit housing sponsors; housing counseling and technical assistance; regulation of the housing industry (including landlord/tenant relations); and real estate lending including regulation of settlement procedures;
(ii) community development and community and neighborhood planning, training and research; national urban growth policies; urban/rural research and technologies; and regulation of interstate land sales;
(iii) government sponsored insurance programs, including those offering protection against crime, fire, flood (and related land use controls), earthquake and other natural hazards; and
(iv) the qualifications for and designation of Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (other than matters relating to tax benefits).
House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittees: |
Capital Markets, Insurance & Government Sponsored Enterprises • Domestic & International Monetary Policy, Trade & Technology • Financial Institutions & Consumer Credit • Housing & Community Opportunity • Oversight & Investigations |