John A. Barrasso
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John A. Barrasso is a Republican U.S. Senator from Wyoming. He is an orthopedic surgeon from Casper, and he was appointed to this seat in June 2007, after Sen. Craig Thomas, the incumbent, passed away. Barrasso will face anothe election in November 2008 and the winner of that race will serve until Thomas' original term was scheduled to end in 2012.
He was a member of the Wyoming State Senate from 2002 until his appointment to the U.S. Senate in 2007. In 1996, Barrasso ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination for the Senate, which he lost to Michael Enzi. At that time, Barrasso was pro-choice, but he has switched his position since then.
Barrasso is divorced and he has two children.
- "I believe in limited government, lower taxes, less spending, traditional family values, local control and a strong national defense," he said in his application. "In the state Senate, in addition to receiving an 'A' rating from the NRA, I have voted for prayer in schools, against gay marriage and have sponsored legislation to protect the sanctity of life." (Source: Wyo. governor appoints new U.S. Senator, by Bob Moen, CasperStarTribune, June 22, 2007.)