Ken Blackwell
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Ken Blackwell is the Ohio Secretary of State. He lost the 2006 race for Governor of Ohio in a landslide to Democrat Ted Strickland.
Crossref Ohio Fraud
Voter Challenges
Ohio Lawmakers Call for Secretary of State Blackwell to Resign
Ballot Access
this diary comment by drh on Thu Oct 21st, 2004 at 15:18:29 GMT in this diary [1]
Carr lays it down in his rulings:
With the Nov. 2 election fast approaching, Carr had suggested that Blackwell file two possible directives: one that complies with Carr's ruling and another if Blackwell wins his appeal.
But Blackwell filed only one proposed directive Monday, and Carr determined it did not comply with his order. The judge called that "inexplicable.
"Ignoring this court's clear command is one thing; it is another thing, and under the circumstances even more blameworthy, to leave Ohio's election officials utterly without guidance about how to apply HAVA's provisions, Carr wrote.
He allowed Blackwell to file another proposed directive yesterday but also included his own version so no more time is lost -- and because "it is necessary for this court to do the job that he should have done.
"The exigencies requiring the relief being ordered herein are due to the failure of (Blackwell) to fulfill his duty not only to this court . . . but more importantly, to his failure to do his duty as secretary of state to ensure that the election laws are upheld and enforced, Carr wrote.
Carr also scolded Blackwell for waiting 23 months after the voting act was passed to issue directives for handling provisional ballots and for not pushing to make Ohio's "outdated provisional-ballot law -- passed before the voting act -- conform with the new federal law.
[ chicagoprogressive Dairy Thu Oct 21st, 2004] Judge blasts Blackwell, accused of failing Ohio
"I cannot be confident . . . that Blackwell will, indeed, fulfill his obligation to this court, Ohio's election officials, and Ohio's voters," the judge wrote.
Blast Blackwell - Ohio's Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has ordered the local election boards to send out new applications to applicants who have submitted registrations on the wrong paper, a move likely designed to depress turnout and voting by newly registered Dem voters. The source Diary highlights various media and others to contact, including Blackwell himself:
J. Kenneth Blackwell (R) 180 E. Broad St., 15th Floor Columbus, OH 43215
General Office: 614-466-3910 Ken Blackwell's administrative assistant: 614-466-2655
Blackwell campaign contact info: Ohioans for Blackwell 211 S. Fifth St. Columbus, OH 43215 614.221.8552 (main) 614.224.3983 (fax)
Discused here, "Party Hacks"
In Ohio, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has gone several extra miles to endorse a federal constitutional amendment to ban marriage for same-sex couples. In July, before a failed cloture vote doomed the GOP proposal, Blackwell flew to Washington to rally senators—despite his duty in the Buckeye State to impartially oversee the validation of signatures on petitions submitted to place a question before voters this fall about amending the state constitution to ban gay marriage.