Mark Sanford
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Category: South Carolina Republicans
South Carolina Republican Governor Mark Sanford was elected in 2002 and reelected in 2006.
Fun Facts!
[ The Greenville News: "Sanford's pig caper raises a stink"]
Gov. Mark Sanford brought live pigs into the House chamber Thursday to make a point about pork barrel spending but ended up with a bipartisan firestorm hot enough for a barbecue.
"Insulting" and "childish," said House Speaker David Wilkins, R-Greenville. "This is beneath the dignity of the Governor's Office, and I am embarrassed for him."
Minority Leader James Smith, D-Columbia, said, "I don't know if (Sanford) has any credibility or reputation left that gives him any ability to lead."
Adding insult to injury, one of the pigs promptly defecated on the marble floor of House lobby after Sanford put them down.
"Unfortunately, they weren't housebroken," Wilkins said. . . .
Joe Erwin, state Democratic Party chairman, said "it should be crystal clear that we need a change in leadership in Columbia."
He added that "it is unfortunate that Sanford's spokesman, Will Folks, actually had to clean up the pig poop from the marble floors of the Statehouse today. However, in some ways, it is appropriate since Folks has to clean up behind this governor on a regular basis."
- Sanford's predilection for such stunts is not new. He made minor headlines for himself as a freshman Congressman by "saving taxpayer money" by sleeping in his Congressional office rather than finding himself private quarters in Washington. (No accounting was made, of course, of his extra use of federally-paid utilities and water during his non-official occupation of the office, not to mention the use of House gym facilities for showering.)
- Once tried to get air traffic at a Marine air station near his home rerouted during dinner parties for his contributors. (Reference: Roll Call, 9/18/95)