New Hampshire Fraud
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Update on Gene Chandler
from [1] "Meg Heckman", October 27, 2004, Concord Monitor
Republican House Speaker Gene Chandler (see item below) is currently embroiled in a scandle because he received over $64,000 in donation. He used these funds for personal expenses but paid no income taxes. A fellow Republican legislator is calling for his resignation. He is expected to keep his post as Speaker of the House.
Ballot Access
from "Party Hacks", Aug. 20 2004, spells out GOP dirty tricks
In New Hampshire, Republicans have made a pastime of resisting young voters in college towns. Students in the university town of Durham turned out to vote in 2002, only to receive a handout from election proctors laced with scare tactics, including the warning that they could jeopardize their financial aid by voting at an address other than their permanent home.
The strategy successfully diminished turnout, and Democrats felt the sting. The GOP took full control of state government, rolling from parity in the state senate to a rollicking 18-to-6 majority. In the next session on strict party-line votes, they promptly pushed through a sweeping bill to limit access to voting and toughen sanctions for fraud.
This spring, the state’s Republican House Speaker Gene Chandler put a razor-fine point on the motives behind the law. “It is simply not right to allow college students to have an say in our elections in New Hampshire,” he told a public forum. “We need to control that.”
Update 2002 Fraud
Nashua Telegraph column Detailing the ongoing Jim Tobin, GOP, New Hampshire, and Phone-bank Jamming operations in New Hampshire.
Talking Points Memo (JMMarshall) Has the goods on the entire saga. here, Here, including stories about some of Tobin's co-conspirators Mitch Bainwol and Chris LaCivita, now working for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth under Tom Synhorst.
Jim Tobin resigns as head of Bush Cheney New England operations due to his involvement in an election tampering scandal involving phone banks, jamming, and other dirty (and quite illegal) tricks.
This roundup by Josh Marshall has the entire story and relevant links.
James Tobin (now convicted) made two dozen calls to the White House within a 3 day period around Election Day 2002 as the phone jamming operation was in progress. [2]