Oregon Attorney General
From dKosopedia
The attorney general is the chief legal officer of the state of Oregon and heads the Department of Justice and its six operating divisions. The attorney general controls and supervises all court actions and legal proceedings in which the state of Oregon is a party or has an interest.
The attorney general also has full charge and control of all legal business of all state departments, boards and commissions that require the services of legal counsel. The Attorney General prepares ballot titles for measures to be voted upon by the people of Oregon and appoints the assistant attorneys general to act as counsel for the various state departments, boards and commissions.
The attorney general gives written opinions upon any question of law in which the state or any public subdivision may have an interest when requested by the governor, any state agency official or any member of the legislature. The attorney general and his assistants are prohibited by law from rendering opinions or giving legal advice to any other persons or agencies.
Services and responsibilities of the attorney general and the Department of Justice are: representation of the state's interests in all civil and criminal cases before the state and federal courts; consumer protection and information services; supervision of charitable trusts and solicitations; enforcement of state and federal antitrust laws in Oregon; assistance to the state's district attorneys; administration of the state crime victims compensation program; investigations of organized crime and public corruption; and the establishment and enforcement of child support obligations for families who receive public assistance.
The current Attorney General is Hardy Myers. The term of office for attorney general is four years.
External links
- Attorney General - Official website