Pulitzer Prize
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The Pulitzer prizes are awarded annually for the best American work in Journalism, Letters, Drama and Music. The list below includes some recent winners for political reporting and cartooning.
- Public Service - Awarded to The Wall Street Journal for its creative and comprehensive probe into backdated stock options for business executives that triggered investigations, the ouster of top officials and widespread change in corporate America.
- Investigative Reporting - Brett Blackledge of The Birmingham (Ala.) News for his exposure of cronyism and corruption in the state's two-year college system.
- National Reporting - Charlie Savage of the Boston Globe for revelations that President Bush often used Signing Statements to assert his controversial right to bypass provisions of new laws.
- Investigative Reporting - Susan Schmidt, James V. Grimaldi and R. Jeffrey Smith of the Washington Post for covering the Jack Abramoff scandal.
- Beat Reporting - Dana Priest of the Washington Post for covering the CIA's secret prisons.
- National Reporting - James Risen and Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times for covering the NSA's warrantless eavesdropping on U.S. citizens.
- National Reporting - Marcus Stern and Jerry Kammer of the San Diego Union-Tribune and Copley News Service for covering the Randy Cunningham bribery scandal.
External Link
- Pulitzer Prizes - official website.