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Special pleading

From dKosopedia

Special Pleading is a logical fallacy or illogical argument which asserts that subjective understanding gained from either some direct experience or some group identity is superior to any other claim for truth based on logic and evidence. This fallacy is often deployed to avoid having to defend the indefensible or rescue a proposition being successfully challenged by logical argument.

Comtemporary or Recent Examples

a. military and combat veteran U.S. President Harry S. Truman was less effective as a foreign policy maker after WWII than non-military veteran U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during WWII.
b. military and combat veterans (WWI) Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler led their fascist alliance into WWII and were defeated by non-military veterans U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Soviet General Secretary of the CPSU Joseph Stalin.
c. military veteran French Prime Minister/President Charles de Gaulle was no better able to defeat the Algerian Revolution than were the French civilian politicians he replaced.
d. military veteran and miltiary dictator South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu was no more able to defeat the communist insurgency in South Vietnam than was the non-military veteran and civilian dictator President Ngô Đình Diệm that he helped to overthrow.
e. military veteran U.S. President Richard Nixon continued waging and ultimately losing the Vietnam War begun by non-military veteran U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
f. military though not combat veteran U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who served in the toughest movie unit in Hollywood during WWII, withdrew U.S. Marines from Lebanon in defeat after an Islamist terrorist bombing but ordered the victorious invasion of Grenada.
g. military and combat veteran Ugandan President Idi Amin Dada (Mau Mau rebellion, winning side) was driven from power in a short war by non-miliary veteran Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere (a teacher).
h. military though not combat veteran U.S. President George W. Bush has won neither of the wars (Afghanistan, Iraq) he launched while non-military veteran U.S. President Bill Clinton succeede in winning both wars (Haiti, Kosovo) that he launched, and with little loss of life!


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This page was last modified 19:26, 28 June 2007 by dKosopedia user Roger. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) BartFraden. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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