From dKosopedia
Rowan Atkinson
- Oct. 20, 2005 In Full: Rowan Atkinson Speech on Hate Bill
Gordon Brown
- Oct. 19, 1999 The Mais Lecture by the Chancellor
George W. Bush
- Sept. 12, 2002 - Address to the U.N.
- October 7, 2002 - President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat (Cincinnati, OH)
- Jan. 28, 2003 - State of the Union Address
- March 19, 2003 - Saddam Hussein Must Leave Iraq Within 48 Hours
- Jan. 20, 2004 - State of the Union Address
Hugo Chavez
- Sept. 21, 2006 - Address to the United Nations General Assembly
- Sept. 9, 2005 Address to the United Nations
- March 1, 2004 Opening of XII G-15 Summit
Shirley Chisholm
- May 21, 1969 - Urges her House of Representative colleagues to pass the Equal Rights Amendment
Winston Churchill
- May 13, 1940 - Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
- March 5, 1946 - The Sinews of Peace (the "Iron Curtain" speech)
Bill Clinton
- September 11, 1992 - "The New Covenant" address to the University of Notre Dame
- July 16, 1992 - Democratic Convention Acceptance Speech
Wes Clark
- Speech transcripts
- Audio and video clips: before his presidential campaign, during the campaign, and since the campaign.
Mario Cuomo
- September 13, 1984 - "Religious Belief and Public Morality" address to the University of Notre Dame
- July 16, 1984 - Democratic Convention Keynote Address
Howard Dean
- March 18, 2004 - "A New Day," Seattle, WA (Launch of Democracy for America)
- December 15, 2003 - "Fulfilling the promise of America: Meeting the New Security Challenges of the New Century," Los Angeles, CA
- December 7, 2003 - "Restoring the American Community," Columbia, SC
- November 18, 2003 - "The Promise of America," Houston, TX
- November 6, 2003 - Remarks at Cooper Union, New York, NY
- October 16, 2003 - "Reclaiming the American Dream," Washington, DC
- September 23, 2003 - "Democracy, Freedom, Action," Boston, MA
- July 31, 2003 - "The Next Hundred Years - Forging a Strong Environmental Policy to Take Our National Resources Back," San Francisco, CA
- June 25, 2003 - "Restoring American Leadership: A New Direction for American Foreign Policy," Washington, DC
- June 23, 2003 - "The Great American Restoration," Burlington, VT
- June 5, 2003 - Speech on "Healthy America" initiative, Washington, DC
- May 16, 2003 - "Health Care Plan for America," New York, NY
- March 15, 2003 - Address to the California State Democratic Convention, Sacramento, CA
- February 21, 2003 - Address to the Democratic National Convention Winter Meeting, Washington, DC
John Edwards
- March 3, 2004 - 2004 Presidential Election Concession Speech
- December 12, 2003 - In Defense of Optimism
Dwight D. Eisenhower
- January 17, 1961 - President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address
Harold Ford, Jr.
- August 15, 2000 - Democratic Convention Keynote Address (transcript); audio available here
Al Gore
- December 13, 2000 - Presidential Concession Speech
- Nov 9, 2003 - Freedom and Security
- Jan 15, 2004 - Global Warming and the Environment
- Feb 5, 2004 - Uses and Misuses of Fear
- May 27, 2004 - Remarks on Iraq
- June 24, 2004 - Democracy Itself is in Grave Danger
Lyndon Johnson
- March 15, 1965 - Special Message to Congress: The American Promise
Barbara Jordan
- July 12, 1976 - Democratic Convention Keynote Address
John F. Kennedy
- January 20, 1960 - Inauguration "Ask Not..."
- May 25, 1961 - State of the Union "landing a man on the moon"
- June 26, 1963 - Remarks in the Rudolph Wilde Platz "Ich bin ein Berliner."
John Kerry
- April 30, 2004 - This Moment in Iraq is a Moment of Truth
- May 17, 2004 - Remarks on the Anniversary of Brown V. Board of Education
- May 27, 2004 - Security and Strength for a New World
Martin Luther King Jr.
- April 16, 1963 - Letter from a Birmingham Jail
- August 28, 1963 - I Have A Dream
Abraham Lincoln
- June 16, 1858 - A House Divided
- March 4, 1861 - First Inaugural Address
- November 19, 1863 - The Gettysburg Address
- March 4, 1865 - Second Inaugural Address
- April 11, 1865 - Lincoln's last public address
Ann Richards
- July 19, 1988 - Democratic Convention Keynote Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- March 4, 1933 - First Inaugural Address
- January 20, 1937 - Second Inaugural Address
- October 5, 1937 - The "Quarantine" Speech
- January 20, 1941 - Third Inaugural Address
- January 6, 1941 - The "Four Freedoms" speech
- December 8, 1941 Pearl Harbor speech ("A date which will live in infamy")
- January 20, 1945 - Fourth Inaugural Address
Jon Stewart
- May 20, 2004 - Commencement Address at The College of William & Mary
George Washington
- April 30, 1789 - President George Washington's First Inaugural Speech
- September 19, 1796 - President George Washington's Farewell Address (32 pages, handwritten)