Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
From dKosopedia
Category: Swift Boat controversy
From Disinfopedia:
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) is an advocacy organization formed in 2004 by opponents of John Kerry's U.S. presidential campaign. Their primary projects have been: their website, the book "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry", and television advertisements challenging John Kerry's military record and activism against the Vietnam War.
- Non-Vets
- Who only work for this 527
- Who also work for George Bush
- Benjamin Ginsberg, a lawyer for Bush
- Ken Cordier, a member of Bush's veterans' steering committee
- Vets
- The Band of Brothers
- Del Sandusky
- Fred Short
- Stephen Hatch
- Michael Medeiros
- Jim Rassmann
- Jim Wasser
- Douglas Brinkley, author of "Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War"
- Gene Thorson
- Others
See also Debunking SBVT.
The 07 Return of the Slime
The Smearboaters are now targeting Dick Durbin. [1]