From dKosopedia
Best described as a non-violent terrrrrrrist, the Trucker is a 62 year old retired big rig driver. He drove for only 4 years but has driven in all of the lower 48 states and Canada.
Prior to 2002 TheTrucker had his own IT services company and did business as Soft Folks Inc. out of Bothell, Wa. and Coburn Associates out of Houston, Texas. 25 years in technology before the H1B Republicans and Clinton together destroyed the technology sector of the United States economy. I actually enjoyed the trucking, but I am not going to forgive the Newt Gingrich Repukes for how they messed up my early retirement. I was able to save money and buy a House working 3 days a week before those maggots destroyed the world. As a trucker I worked 80 hrs. a week and cleared less than half what I made before the Gingrich attack on the economy. EVERYBODY should get better wages. Especially the dudes on the lower end.
For the past 30 years my interests have been economic and political theory with only a minor interest in technology. It is just very difficult to make a living in economic or political theory. Many who like to build fine furniture and cabinetry can appreciate this problem.
At present my main interests are in expanding the US House of Representatives and in the specification of an irrefutible, incorruptible, internet polling system to replace the current rigged voting systems that are in use in our elections. It may be that the second interest will supercede and obviate any need for the first.
If we can absolutely prove that our polling system is correct then we can insist that the AUTHORITIES accept it and remove them from power if they do not. That is a pretty bold statement but if it isn't true then our entire system of government is a sham.--TheTrucker 14:35, 9 December 2007 (PST)
Author of "" This site details the early history of the House of Representatives and advocates a major increase in the membership of the House. "Extend the House" is an illustration of what can be done to improve the representative nature of our government through simple legislation.
Author of "Article The First" in wikipedia. This article describes the initial attempt to insure adequate representation in the House of Representatives.
Contributor to "Congressional Stagnation" in wikipedia. This article concerns the stagnation of incumbency in the House of Representatives and attempts to offer possible solutions.
Author of "Voting_Mechanics" in electorama. Musings of how to create an on line incorruptible polling/voting system.
Major contributor to "Economic Rent" in wikipedia. I am working on a new and improved version of this article with more historic content and less latter day destruction of the actual economic term. This article is the basis of arguments concerning rational taxation policies of government.