Thomas Aquinas College
From dKosopedia
Thomas Aquinas College is a Roman Catholic liberal arts college imposing a single integrated academic program. Ein curriculum. It is located in Santa Paula, California north of Los Angeles. It offers a unique education with courses based on the Great Books and seminar method.
You Will Study Only These Works!
The College's Eurocentric curriculum is based primarily on a study of the so called "Great Books." Directed by faculty, the students analyze and discuss in tutorials, seminars, and laboratories these works of the greatest minds of "our" tradition. By "our" is meant "European" and "conservative." By daily practice in reading, translation, demonstration, and argument, students form habits of thought and discourse which will stay with them throughout their lives. If that sounds like indoctrination then you probably received a real liberal arts education. The curriculum is the brain child of neoconservatives philosopher Leo Strauss.