The Washington Post
From dKosopedia
The Washington Post (often abbreviated WaPo) is the primary daily newspaper in Washington, DC. Although it devotes attention to all the local subjects a normal daily newspaper covers, its location in the capital gives it national prominence, on par with the New York Times, in the area of political affairs. It is owned by the Washington Post Company, which also owns Newsweek magazine.
The most famous episode in the paper's history came in 1972, when a team led by reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward began investigating a break-in at an office belonging to the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate complex in Washington. The resulting scandal led to the downfall of the Nixon Administration, culminating in the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1973.
Note: The Washington Post is not to be confused with the Washington Times, a highly partisan conservative paper owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.