World At War
From dKosopedia
Original List gathered from soj's exceptional blog from this post.
During these holiday times for the Christian and Jewish world, nobody wants to hear unpleasant facts or figures. Nonetheless, the state of the world is far from peaceful.
For that reason, I present to you my snapshot of a world at war in 2004. Countries with active insurgencies, civil wars, rebellions, widespread unrest and intra-state conflicts are in bold.
Note: the term "peaceful" does not imply a democratic, free standard of living or absence of government repression
- Afghanistan - Occupied by foreign troops - widespread domestic conflicts with warlords and
Taliban remnants
- Albania - Generally peaceful
- Algeria -
Domestic terrorist occurrences by repressed Islamic fundamentalists.
Widespread civil disturbances by repressed Berber minority.
- Andorra - Peaceful
- Angola - Generally peaceful
- Antigua and Barbuda - Peaceful
- Argentina - Generally peaceful with infrequent incidents of domestic terrorism
- Armenia - In
hostile stalemate with Azerbaijan over occupied Nagorno-Karabakh
territories - occasional crossborder skirmishes with Azerbaijan
- Australia - Generally peaceful with isolated incidents of inter-ethnic unrest
and violence
- Austria - Peaceful
- Azerbaijan - In hostile stalement with Armenia over occupied Nagorno-Karabkh territories
- occasional crossborder skirmishes with Armenia.
- Bahamas - Peaceful
- Bahrain - Generally peaceful
- Bangladesh - Frequent occurrences of civil unrest along political lines - frequent occurrences
of domestic terrorism
- Barbados - Peaceful
- Belarus - Generally peaceful with infrequent occurrences of domestic unrest
- Belgium - Peaceful
- Belize - Peaceful
- Benin - Generally peaceful
</li> - Bhutan - Military has engaged rebel groups based out of India
</li> - Bolivia - Regular occurrences of civil unrest esp by indigenous groups
</li> - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Occupied by European Union troops - regular occurrences of inter-ethnic fighting
</li> - Botswana - Peaceful
</li> - Brazil - Regular occurrences of civil unrest esp. in undeveloped areas as well as high-crime
urban areas
</li> - Brunei - Peaceful
</li> - Bulgaria - Peaceful
</li> - Burkina Faso - Border regions have been used by warring factions in Liberia and Cote D'Ivoire
</li> - Burundi - Occupied by UN troops - several armed rebel groups (primarily ethnic Hutus)
still contend with government forces
</li> - Cambodia - Generally peaceful although threatened by serious political instability
and organized crime syndicates
</li> - Cameroon - Localized armed clashes along border with Nigeria
</li> - Canada - Peaceful
</li> - Cape Verde - Peaceful
</li> - Central African Republic - Violent coup earlier this year -
several incidents of violence between mercenaries and domestic
population, cross-border fighting with several nations
</li> - Chad - Ongoing civil war - spillover violence from neighboring Sudan in border areas
</li> - Chile - Peaceful
</li> - China - Regular occurrences of inter-ethnic unrest and violence
</li> - Colombia - Ongoing civil war
</li> - Comoros - Generally peaceful in 2004 but member islands perpetually on the verge
of civil war
</li> - Congo (Brazzaville) - Ongoing low-level civil war - several armed insurgency groups - spillover
violence from conflict in DR Congo
</li> - Congo, DR (Kinshasa) - Occupied by UN troops - incursions by
militaries from neighboring countries, particular Rwanda and Uganda -
widespread civil war, insurgencies, domestic unrest and inter-ethnic
</li> - Costa Rica - Peaceful
</li> - Croatia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Cuba - Generally peaceful
</li> - Cyprus - South is generally peaceful but self-declared independent Turkish northern
zone still not integrated
</li> - Czech Republic - Peaceful
</li> - Côte d'Ivoire - Occupied by French and UN troops - ongoing civil war - frequent inter-ethnic
</li> - Denmark - Peaceful
</li> - Djibouti - Generally peaceful
</li> - Dominica - Peaceful </li>
- Dominican Republic - Minor incidents of civil unrest
</li> - East Timor - Occupied by UN troops - generally peaceful
</li> - Ecuador - Regular occurrences of civil unrest esp by indigenous groups
</li> - Egypt - Generally peaceful with isolated incidents of domestic terrorism
</li> - El Salvador - Generally peaceful
</li> - Equatorial Guinea - Generally peaceful but gov't was nearly toppled by violent
</li> - Eritrea - Continued skirmishes with Ethiopia - regular occurrences of inter-ethnic violence
esp amongst refugees
</li> - Estonia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Ethiopia - Continued skirmishes with Eritrea - regular occurrences of inter-ethnic violence
esp amongst refugees
</li> - Fiji - Generally peaceful with minor incidents of inter-ethnic unrest and violence
</li> - Finland - Peaceful
</li> - France - Ongoing violence with Basque and Corsican separatists - frequent occurrences
of inter-religious unrest
</li> - Gabon - Generally peaceful but occupied by French troops - some civil unrest over
distribution of income from petroleum
</li> - Gambia, The - Generally peaceful but has seen sporadic violence along political lines
</li> - Georgia - Occupied by Russian troops - ongoing civil war against self-declared regions
of Abkhazia and S. Ossetia
</li> - Germany - Generally peaceful but marred by inter-ethnic violence
</li> - Ghana - Generally peaceful but affected by refugees from conflicts in neighboring
countries (esp. Liberia)
</li> - Greece - Generally peaceful with isolated incidents of domestic terrorism
</li> - Grenada - Peaceful
</li> - Guatemala - Widespread violent criminal activity
</li> - Guinea - Political instability - some inter-ethnic violence - large numbers of refugees
from neighboring countries
</li> - Guinea-Bissau - Generally peaceful after 2003 coup
</li> - Guyana - Regular occurrences of inter-ethnic violence
</li> - Haiti - Suffered coup in February - occupied by UN troops - regular incidents of domestic
unrest and violence
</li> - Honduras - Widespread violent criminal activity - some paramilitary organizations still
in operation
</li> - Hungary - Peaceful
</li> - Iceland - Extremely Peaceful
</li> - India - More than 20 ongoing civil wars - skirmishes with
Pakistan military and paramilitary groups esp in Kashmir - widespread
civil unrest and inter-ethnic violence
</li> - Indonesia - Two ongoing major civil wars and several other smaller ones
</li> - Iran - Generally peaceful
</li> - Iraq - Occupied by foreign troops - widespread domestic unrest and violence
</li> - Ireland - Peaceful
</li> - Israel (non-Occupied territories) - Regular occurrences of domestic and foreign terrorism - occasional skirmishes
with Lebanese forces
</li> - Israel (Occupied Territories/Palestine) - Nearly non-stop occurrences of clashes between Israel and Arab population
</li> - Italy - Generally peaceful but marred by violent criminal activity esp. in Naples
</li> - Jamaica - Widespread violent criminal activity
</li> - Japan - Peaceful
</li> - Jordan - Generally peaceful
</li> - Kazakhstan - Generally peaceful
</li> - Kenya - Generally peaceful but occasional occurrences of widespread civil unrest
esp. along political lines
</li> - Kiribati - Peaceful
</li> - Korea, North - Generally peaceful but on verge of war with several nations
</li> - Korea, South - Generally peaceful with occasional widespread civil unrest esp.
along political lines
</li> - Kuwait - Peaceful
</li> - Kyrgyzstan - Generally peaceful
</li> - Laos - Frequent occurrences of domestic terrorism esp. in capital (Vientiane)
</li> - Latvia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Lebanon - Occupied by Syrian troops - occasional skirmishes with Israel
</li> - Lesotho - Generally peaceful
</li> - Liberia - Occupied by African Union troops - widespread civil unrest
</li> - Libya - Generally peaceful
</li> - Liechtenstein - Peaceful
</li> - Lithuania - Generally peaceful
</li> - Luxembourg - Peaceful
</li> - Macedonia - Frequent occurrences of inter-ethnic violence and unrest
</li> - Madagascar - Generally peaceful
</li> - Malawi - Generally peaceful but with very fragile political situation
</li> - Malaysia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Maldives - Generally peaceful
</li> - Mali - Generally peaceful
</li> - Malta - Generally peaceful with infrastructure disturbances from large numbers
of illegal immigrants attempting to enter EU
</li> - Marshall Islands - Peaceful
</li> - Mauritania - Suffered coup in 2003 and attempted coups in 2004 - remants of human slave
trade still exist
</li> - Mauritius - Peaceful
</li> - Mexico - Generally peaceful with intermittent violent criminal
activity - a fragile peace exists in the south between armed
insurgencies and gov't
</li> - Micronesia - Peaceful
</li> - Moldova - Stalemate with self-declared independent area of
Transdniester, which is home to Russian troops - regular occurrences of
civil unrest along political lines
</li> - Monaco - Peaceful
</li> - Mongolia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Morocco - Occupies Western Sahara - has isolated acts of domestic terrorism
</li> - Mozambique - Generally peaceful despite some civil unrest along political lines
</li> - Myanmar - Generally peaceful despite some Indian armed groups staging along border
areas - occasional inter-ethnic civil unrest
</li> - Namibia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Nauru - Generally peaceful with some instability due to Australia using nation
to host unwanted refugees
</li> - Nepal - Ongoing civil war between Marxist insurgents and gov't forces
</li> - Netherlands - Generally peaceful but with increasing inter-religious tension
and hostility
</li> - New Zealand - Peaceful with minor incidents of inter-ethnic unrest
</li> - Nicaragua - Generally peaceful
</li> - Niger - Generally peaceful
</li> - Nigeria - Numerous civil insurgencies and violent inter-ethnic conflicts - widespread
inter-ethnic and inter-religious civil unrest
</li> - Norway - Peaceful
</li> - Oman - Generally peaceful
</li> - Pakistan - Ongoing inter-religious violent conflicts - gov't
has been engaged in frequent low-level warfare with ethnic minorities
in west and north - occasional skirmishes between military and/or
militias with Indian forces in Kashmir
</li> - Palau - Generally peaceful
</li> - Panama - Generally peaceful
</li> - Papua New Guinea - Descending into civil war - widespread
violent criminal activity - widespread inter-ethnic tension and unrest
- armed insurgency groups from Indonesia enter border areas
</li> - Paraguay - Frequent civil unrest - widespread violent criminal activity
</li> - Peru - Generally peaceful with frequent civil unrest
</li> - Philippines - Several armed insurgencies - numerous
incidents of domestic terrorism - numerous incidents of violence along
political lines - widespread inter-religious civil unrest
</li> - Poland - Generally peaceful
</li> - Portugal - Generally peaceful but with fragile political stability
</li> - Qatar - Generally peaceful
</li> - Romania - Generally peaceful
</li> - Russia - Several civil wars, particularly in Chechnya - widespread civil unrest - widespread
inter-ethnic violence and unrest
</li> - Rwanda - Involved in armed conflicts ongoing in DR Congo - widespread inter-ethnic
</li> - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Generally peaceful
</li> - Saint Lucia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Saint Vincent and The Grenadines - Generally peaceful but with increasingly widespread
violent criminal activity
</li> - Samoa - Peaceful
</li> - San Marino - Peaceful
</li> - Sao Tome and Principe - Generally peaceful
</li> - Saudi Arabia - Frequent occurrences of domestic terrorism - infrequent incidents of inter-religious
</li> - Senegal - Has troops in DR Congo, Liberia and Kosovo -
ongoing but fading civil war in the south - numerous incidents of
inter-ethnic violence and unrest
</li> - Serbia and Montenegro - Partially occupied by UN and EU
troops - very frequent occurrences of violent criminal activity,
inter-religious and inter-ethnic violence in Kosovo
</li> - Seychelles - Generally peaceful
</li> - Sierra Leone - Occupied by UN and ECOWAS troops - is just now recovering from civil war -
political situation is extremely fragile
</li> - Singapore - Generally peaceful
</li> - Slovakia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Slovenia - Peaceful
</li> - Solomon Islands - Occupied by Australian troops - widespread inter-ethnic unrest
</li> - Somalia - Ongoing insurgency in north (Somaliland) - political stability is extremely
fragile - widespread violent criminal activity
</li> - South Africa - Generally peaceful but urban areas face widespread violent criminal
</li> - Spain - Armed insurgency in Basque north - occasional incidents of domestic terrorism
</li> - Sri Lanka - Ongoing civil war - numerous incidents of domestic terrorism - widespread
inter-ethnic unrest
</li> - Sudan - At least three ongoing civil wars, esp in Darfur - very frequent inter-ethnic
and inter-religious violence
</li> - Suriname - Generally peaceful
</li> - Swaziland - Generally peaceful
</li> - Sweden - Generally peaceful with infrequent but increasing inter-ethnic tension
due to large refugee population
</li> - Switzerland - Very peaceful
</li> - Syria - Has 17,000 troops stationed in Lebanon - occasional inter-ethnic violence
and unrest
</li> - Taiwan - Generally peaceful
</li> - Tajikistan - Generally peaceful but is partially occupied by Russian troops
</li> - Tanzania - Generally peaceful but with isolated violence along political lines
</li> - Thailand - Frequent occurrences of inter-religious violence
</li> - Togo - Generally peaceful
</li> - Tonga - Peaceful
</li> - Trinidad and Tobago - Widespread violent criminal activity
</li> - Tunisia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Turkey - Armed insurgency in Kurdish southeast
</li> - Turkmenistan - Generally peaceful
</li> - Tuvalu - Peaceful
</li> - Uganda - Armed insurgency in north - has troops and/or militias involved in conflicts
in Sudan and DR Congo
</li> - Ukraine - Generally peaceful but political stability is extremely fragile
</li> - United Arab Emirates - Generally peaceful
</li> - United Kingdom - Is involved in 2 full-scale wars - occasional inter-ethnic unrest
</li> - United States - Involved in 2 full-scale wars plus has troops involved in a dozen smaller
conflicts - minor incidents of civil unrest
</li> - Uruguay - Generally peaceful
</li> - Uzbekistan - Frequent occurrences of domestic terrorism
</li> - Vanuatu - Generally peaceful but political stability is somewhat fragile
</li> - Vatican City - Peaceful
</li> - Venezuela - Generally peaceful but political stability is somewhat fragile
</li> - Vietnam - Frequent occurrences of inter-ethnic violence
</li> - Western Sahara - Occupied by Moroccan troops
</li> - Yemen - Fought armed insurgency in north - regular occurrences of domestic terrorism
</li> - Zambia - Generally peaceful
</li> - Zimbabwe - Widespread inter-ethnic violence - the gov't controls food supply to starve
political opponents