From dKosopedia
- Marx Brothers release Animal Crackers.
- B.F. Goodrich patents a new plastic: polyvinyl chloride.
- Britain experiences the beginnings of its imperial nightmare in British Mandate Palestine. Conducts criminal trials of approximately 700 Arabs and 160 Jews charged with violence during the August 1929 riots. Fifty-five Arabs are found guilty of murder and 25 are given death sentences, another 170 Arabs are found guilty of looting. Two Jews receive death sentences for murder, 7 are convicted of looting and 9 other for minor offences.
- Greatest economic policy mistake in Japanese history: Japanese Prime Minister Junnosuke Inoue returns Japan to the Gold Standard at the urging J.P. Morgan and Company partner Thomas W. Lamont.
- U.S. Marines continue the nineteen year long occupation of Haiti, from 1915-1934.
- Negus Tafari is crowned Emperor Haile Selasie I.
- February 23: Nazi activist Horst Wessel is assasinated by KPD activist Albrecht Höhler.
- March 2: Mohandas K. Gandhi informs British Viceroy Edward Frederick Lindley Wood his that civil disobedience would begin in 9 days.
- March 28: Nationalists love to change place names: Republic of Turkey changes Constantinople and Angora change to respectively, Istanbul and Ankara. This chnage and other like it always merit reference to the song Istanbul/(Not Constantinople.
- April 10: UFW leader Delores C. Huerta is born in northern New Mexico.
- April 11: "Satanist" Anton LaVey is born.
- April 14: Vladimir Mayakovsky commits suicide.
- May 6: Telugi workers in Rangoon harbor go on strike to protest arrest of M.K. Gandhi and to demand better wages.
- May 26: Rioting between Telugu and Burmese workers in Rangoon.
- June 17: Hangings of 3 Arabs in British Mandate Palestine. Seventeen are reprieved and given life sentences.
- June 17: U.S. Republican Pres. Herbert Hoover signs Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act; makes second order contribution to deeping the Great Depression.
- August 5: Neil Armstrong is born.
- August 25: Sean Connery, future favorite 007 actor and Scottish National Party figure is born.
- November: Ras Tafari Makonnen was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia after the previous Muslim ruler Lij Yasu is deposed.
- December 3: Film premiere of All Quiet on the Western Front.
- December 4: Showing of All Quiet on the Western Front is disrupted by SA Nazi thugs who strike patrons, release mice in the orchestra and throw stink bombs from the balcony. In the melee NSDAP Reichstag deputy Ludwig Munchmeyer, a protestant minister, stands up and begins giving a speech denouncing the film.
- December 8: Street battle occurs in Berlin as Nazi SA thugs battle police. German government caves into Nazu terror and the Film Board rescinds approval of All Quiet on the Western Front, saying that it is a "threat to Germany's honor."