From dKosopedia
This National League baseball team located in Chicago is a Kos favorite. Unfortunately, they are perennial losers, having last won the World Series in 1908. Their last appearance in the World Series was in 1945, where they were swept by the Yankees. In 1969 they came within games of the World Series only to lose their slot to the New York Mets. In 1984 they won their first pennant in 39 years, and came within one game of going to the World Series. They lost that chance after winning the first two games at home and losing the next three games to the San Diego Padres. In 1989 they won another pennant and then lost four games to one in the postseason by the San Francisco Giants. In 1998 they won the Wild Card playoff slot for the National League, only to be swept by the Atlanta Braves three games to none. Most recently, in 2003 they came within five outs of going to the World Series, only to lose to the Florida Marlins after the infamous "Bartman Ball" incident in game 6. The magic was not there in game seven either. After falling behind 2-0, the Cubs tied it at 2 on a Kerry Wood homerun, and took a two run lead after Moises Alou hit a homerun on to Waveland Avenue. The final score of game seven was 9-6.
In 2004 their prospects look dim because of injuries to Mark Prior, Kerry Wood, Sammy Sosa. Even though the Cubs added Kent Merker, LaTroy Hawkins, and Bill Wuertz to the bullpen in the offseason, they have been unable to hold leads in many ballgames this year.
It is said that being a Cubs fan teaches on eternal hope, or eternal disappointment. Die-hard Cubs fans that frequent the cheap seats are called Bleacher Bums; they have their own culture and code of conduct, and are said to be the most vicious fans in baseball. They are the topic of several songs and at least one play.
The home of the Cubs is Wrigley Field, now the second oldest stadium in baseball, opened in 1914. The Cubs are owned by the Tribune Company, which also owns the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times newspapers, the WGN Superstation, 25% of the WB network, several radio stations, and some television production companies.
See Also
External Links
- Cubs home page
- A Dying Cubs Fan's Last Request, a song by the late Steve Goodman
- Ronnie Woo Woo Home Page