DKos Local
From dKosopedia
Started in the aftermath of the 2004 election. Lists of what members are in what geographical regions, so we can contact each other and meet locally if we want. Only put yourself in a region where you'd be willing to drive to meet other people in that same region. If one doesn't exist, make a new region.
How do I sign up? - If you don't have an account, create one, preferably with the same username as you have on daily kos if it's available. Then, just come to this page and click one of the edit links to add your name.
Another method of meeting dKos locals is by organizing meetings and inviting people in a diary, East Bay Kossacks Meetup is one example.
This diary: Meetup and Drink with Your Neighbors is an attempt to help organize dKos without using the dKosopedia through the use of Categories.
A similar effort is at DKos Caucuses - for Kossacks wanting to organize for local activism.
Contents |
- berns19 Anchorage (in Chicago during the school year)
- Disillusioned Phoenix
- cosmic debris Tucson
- Man Eegee Tucson
EMKennedyLucio: Goodyear (Just West of Phoenix)
- taxismom Lake County
Greater Sacramento Area
Bay Area
- storme
- Rolfyboy6 -- Sonoma County
- Mber
- Malacandra
- jbwinste
- susan1138 -- mid-peninsula
- kate mckinnon
- SallyCat
- silence
- utbriancl - SF
- colorless green ideas
- lobezno
- markinsanfran -- redundant?
- Philosopher
- tmo -- Oakland
- drduck -- Richmond
- iFaqeer (live in Fremont, work in Santa Clara)
- Jonathan - San Mateo (work in San Jose]
- sdf - Palo Alto
- juliesie - Oakland
- DaveOinSF - San Francisco and Mountain View
- navajo - Belmont
- norm - Oakland
- leftcoast - Napa
- LeftyLimblog - Napa
- ukiyo - Sunnyvale
- highacidity - Sunnyvale
- IKIA - Mountain View
- Shanikka - East Palo Alto
- YellowDogBlue - South Berkeley
- madhaus - Sunnyvale
- eugene - Kentfield (beginning Jan. '06)
- Twin Planets - North Berkeley
See also:
Bay Area Jobs Project
Bay Area Local Businesses
Southern California
Also see the SoCalKossacks email list
- tango
- Loquatrix
- 40 and Fabulous
- Paul Rosenberg -- Long Beach
- erinya -- San Diego
- fabooj -- Hollywood
- fieldsey -- South Bay
- recentdemocrat -- Palm Springs
- Baldwiny -- Santa Barbara
- FaeryWalsh -- Westwood (Los Angeles)
- murphy -- Silverlake (Los Angeles)
- SanDiegoDem -- San Diego
- PatriciaPA -- Long Beach
- JeffLieber -- Venice
- kck -- Pasadena
- opendna -- Long Beach
Denver/Boulder Metro Area
- ohwilleke -- Denver
- em dash -- Fort Collins
- Frankenoid -- Denver
- luddite -- Denver
- kvillegas -- Boulder
- bumblebums -- Denver
- Ambrosius -- Boulder
Southern Nevada
New Mexico
- Wonmug
- TruthNM
- tepster
- shaniriver
- segmentis
- PolitX
- Plutonium Page
- NMRed
- Lawyer to Capitalists
- lanshark
- Land of Enchantment
- jancw
- hhex65
- gehrigsranch
- claude
- barb in albq
- evelette
- environmentalist
- ellisande
- disgusted vet
- Dallasdoc
- awnm
- all about meme
- ABQtom
New England
- still small voice Lewiston/Auburn area
Connecticut Region
- TheKickingDonkey New Haven and surroundings
New Hampshire
- inclusive Wolfeboro/Ossipee area
- roseeriter Newport/Claremont area
- PoliSigh Ashland/Plymouth area
- B Merryfield Rochester/Dover area
Boston North
- bgod
- panteknik Lexington
- magpie02141 Medford
- brillig
- juniper Watertown
- xysrl Haverhill
- peggy Boston
- AlanF Metro West
- Thestral Somerville
- potter South Boston
- xopherma Brighton
Central Mass
Western Mass
- [israelfox87]Berkshire County
- Dancing Larry Hampden County
- shawshank Westminster
- blues Hampshire County
- EqualOpportunityCynic Hampshire County, for the moment. I might attend something if it's not opposite a PVLA meeting. ;-)
Midwest Region
Chicago: In city
- wegerje Edgewater, Chicago
- hyperbolic pants explosion, Rogers Park, Chicago
- berns19 Hyde Park, Chicago (during the school year)
- ChiGirl88 Little Poland (between Logan Square & Portage Park)
- nancelot (The Loop-part time)
- dmsilev Hyde Park, Chicago
- TheBlaz Upper Northside
Chicago: Suburban
- thesill, NW Cook, Rapid Response Illinois
- lncolnpk Naperville
- michael in chicago, DuPage County
- shoreliner, Kane County
- ErinElizaH, Kankakee County
- kmuniz, Kankakee County
- wystler Chicago suburbs
- musing85 DeKalb
- DeannaHawkLoves Park(Rockford area)
- TheBlaz Skokie / Niles area
- Jennifer Clare, DuPage County
- Sue (Oldham County)
- ashke -- Lansing
- Joe Willy -- Delton/Hastings (joe willy AT tm . net)
- gsbadj -- Hamtramck
- memiller -- Kalamazoo
Ann Arbor Area
- a2jean
- The Centerfielder
- David Boyle
- ethans mom
- spyral
St Louis Area KevinEarlLynch
Kansas City
- Davinic (Leawood, KS)
- KansasNate (Lawrence, KS)
- fabooj (Kansas City, MO - when visiting)
- glitterscale (Kansas City MO)
- Revel (Blue Springs MO)
- MGK (Athens, OH)
- itsmitch (Columbus)
- hopeful (Cleveland, OH)
- czawadzki (Cleveland, OH)
- haironfire (Cincinnati, OH)
- pilgrim99 (Cleveland Heights, OH)
- applegal (Columbus, OH)
South Dakota
- SarahLee (Rosebud Reservation, SD)
Southern Wisconsin
- mytribe (Madison, WI)
- veracious (Madison, WI)
- folkbum (Milwaukee, WI)
- Elizabeth D (Madison, WI)
- ben masel (Madison, WI)
- superman53142 (Kenosha, WI)
- kay {Waterford, WI}
- MollyM (Madison, WI)
Mid-Atlantic Region
(Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia)
New Jersey
New York
New York City (5 boroughs)
- MH in PA (Delaware County)
- Faux (Outside Allentown)
- JLongs (Pittsburgh Area)
- Bob Quixote (Pittsburgh Area)
- abw (Philly)
- the holy handgrenade (Montgomery County)
- Luam (Philly University City)
- polacolor (phl)
Hampton Roads
See dKosCommentSearch:Virginia
Northern VA
- Bexley Lane
- RenaRF (Fairfax County)
- Cyphrus42
Washington DC Region
- Brother Feldspar
- andlorr
- mlk
- juls
- BillLaurelMD
- Paul Lemic
- HeatherMG
- Schmendrick54
- RenaRF (Fairfax County)
- Dji (Columbia Heights, DC)
- kudos (Potomac, MD)
- Tracy Joan
Southwest VA
- osterizer (Christiansburg, VA)
- Beth Wellington (Roanoke, VA)
Pacific Northwest
Central Oregon
Oregon Coast
- [http:/ dlcampbe]
Portland Region
- see DKos Portland
- switzerblog (North Bend, WA)
- funkycamper (Olympic Peninsula & Coastal areas)
- namelesssoldier (Olympic Peninsula & Coastal areas)
- kenjib (Camano Island, WA)
Seattle Region
- see DKos Seattle
- boadicea (Austin, TX)
- roses (Austin, TX)
- Sandia Blanca (Austin, TX)
- byoungbl (Dallas, TX)
- c2shiningc (Dallas, TX)
- calitex (Dallas, TX)
- Dallasdoc (Dallas, TX)
- Kimberly Stone (Dallas, TX)
- Lawyer to Capitalists (Dallas, TX)
- slownomad (Dallas, TX)
- swordspoint (Denton, TX)
- greenmama1 (Fort Worth, TX)
- bionicKitty (Houston, TX)
- lightseeker (Houston, Texas)
Deep South Region
North Carolina
- Avila -- Tampa Bay area
- fe -- Sarasota County
- Metagator aka Antitheton -- Palm Beaches, Antitheton - FIGHT the RIGHT
- calichick -- Palm Beach County
- PrintmakingToday -- Tallahassee
- Heiuan -- Ft. Lauderdale
- vicky -- Hernando County
- saraswati -- Palm Beach County
- BaconGreaseKid -- Cape Coral
- catnip - Alberta
- MGK - Toronto
- See dKosCommentSearch:CategoryCanada