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From dKosopedia

I'm mostly concerned with developing good habits and conventions that stand the test of time. If I had sysop status I'd use it only to enforce conventions, like moving pages to ones with the correct names, fixing bad use of capitalization, bad spelling, and so on. And delete pages with obsolete conventions as they cause endless trouble.

I also like copying wiki best practice stuff around where appropriate. Meaning, where people are violating it badly and causing definite headaches for future users. That's mostly under control now.

Shifting focus to some important missing pages. Quite a few pages have not been updated and have facts as of 2004 and as of 2005 apparently. Lots of research required. Will try to start with the pages with names that are lesser known or concepts that are less obvious, because "just anyone" can fill in pages that are just Wikipedia articles already. It's the obscure political wiki knowledge that probably requires the most fleshing out.

Probably best to start by making a list of the most popularly linked abstract concepts, difficult to assess institutions, technical and editorial terminology still undefined as of 2005 end of year. I will link "what links here" to each one rather than the page itself, just to make researching easier.

political party (15 links) large public wiki (14 links) conceptual metaphor (13 links) poverty (12 links) wiki (11 links) groupthink (9 links) participatory democracy 9 links) systemic bias (8 links) faction (8 links) free software (8 links) Native American (8 links) - hard-to-define term economics (8 links) - really hard to define term term:culture of life(8 links) - deliberately hard to define term, seems someone knows that unicameral (8 links) google (8 links) Saturday Night Live (7 links) - could have a good list of political sketches, and significance is abstract Liberal Party of Canada (7 links) - most similar party to the Democrats in the world probably, Howard Dean is speaking at their convention on December 2, so maybe they deserve more of a real treatment time (7 links) conflict of interest (7 links) International Monetary Fund (7 links) - really hard to explain, deserves some research torture (7 links) - seemingly hard to define - if you're Bush trolls (7 links) - impossible to define, mostly just used to insult people or adopted to scoff back Creative Commons (6 links) right-wing (6 links) Reason Foundation (6 links) - could be fun to do a treatment of this Civil Rights Movement (6 links) - this is not really a well defined Capitalized Proper Noun, so... Harper's Magazine (6 links) - like SNL the significance and major figures need some exploration Gulf of Mexico (6 links) - gotta cover weather / climate issues quality of life (6 links) - another "term" probably best practice (6 links) - User:Centerfielder thinks this means something different for him and me

That's enough for now. Anyone want to help, just indent and sign your suggestions below name above.

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This page was last modified 10:28, 11 November 2006 by dKosopedia user Egmod. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) Centerfielder. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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