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Gene Taylor

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Gene Taylor
U.S. Representative – MS-04
Party Democratic
Assumed office

October 17, 1989

Preceded by Ronnie Shows
Born September 17, 1953
Spouse Margaret Gordon Taylor
Religion Roman Catholic

Gary Eugene "Gene" Taylor (1953- ) is a Democratic Congressman from Mississippi. Taylor represents the MS-04 district, one of the districts badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Taylor forst won his seat in a 1989 special election when then-incumbent Larkin Smith was killed in an airplane crash.


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Taylor, one of the last surviving "boll weevils," is by far the most conservative Democrat in the House. But given the current orientation of the Republicans, this means that, at least by the rankings of Americans for Democratic Action, he's still twice as liberal (at 48%) than the most liberal Republican in the House (Jim Leach, at 22%). While Taylor is pro-gun and pro-life, he voted against all of George W. Bush's tax cut plans, citing a lack of cuts for middle- and working-class people. He also opposed the 2003 Persription Drug Plan, calling it a giveaway to Republican donors. HE also opposed attempts to privatize Social Security.

Taylor is also a fierce foe of unregulated free trade. He voted against approving CAFTA, and has suggested on many occasions that NAFTA should also be either repealed or strongly modified.


"You can try to throw as much as you can on the backs of Louisianians, but I'm a witness as to what happened in Mississippi. You folks fell on your face. You get an F-minus in my book." - Taylor to FEMA head Michael Brown.

"There's an outfit out there called Halliburton with billions of dollars in noncompetitive contracts that passed through the United States Senate. The vice president of the United States is the president of the United States Senate. He could not do that in Mississippi. He's still drawing money from that firm. That's government by auction. We don't allow that in Mississippi. It shouldn't be allowed in Washington." - Taylor on Halliburton

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