From dKosopedia
Prime Minister
Italy has a total population of 58.4 million. Most of the Italian Muslim population of 825,000 (1.4% of total population) are from Morocco, elsewhere in North Africa and Albania.
Political Coalitions
- Casa delle Liberta or House of Freedoms - the major Center-Right and Right Coalition
- Ulivo or Olive Tree or The Union - the major Center-Left and left Alliance around Olive Tree
Major Political Parties
- Daisy Democracy is Freedom - Centrist Party. Union Member
- Democrats of the Left - Social Democrats/Third way. The Union Member
- Forza Italia - Conservative. House of Freedoms Member
- National Alliance - Conservative. House of Freedoms Member
- Partito delle Rifondazione Comunista Communist Refoundation Party - Eurocommunism. The Union Member
Minor Political Parties
- European Republican Movement - Liberal Republicans (not in the American sence). The Union Member
- Italian Democratic Socialists - Socialists/Social Democrats. The Union Members
- Party of Italian Communists - Eurocommunism. The Union Member
- Democrats Centre Union - Cristian Democrat. House of Freedoms Member
- Socialist Party New PSI - Socialism. House of Freedoms Member
- Italian Repeblican Party - Liberal Republican. House of Freedoms Member
- Northern League (Liga Nord) - Regional Autonomism, Populist. House of Freedoms Member
- Federation of Greens - Ecology, Pacifism. The Union Member
Interest Groups
- Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL)
- Italian Union of Labor (UIL)
- Confindustria
- Confagricoltua Italian General Confederation of Agriculture
- Coldiretti National Confederation of Direct Cultivators
- National Peasant Alliance
- Federconsorzi Federation of Agricultural Consortiums
- Corruption
- Regional Inequality
- Illegal Immigration