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Election 2004 talking points
- Debunking SBVT
- Historians rate G. W. Bush
- AWOL Bush. A comprehensive comparison of Bush and Kerry military performance, pay, awards and attendance records
- SF-Gate article. Flip-flop charge against Kerry not supported by facts.
- The Arabian Candidate Opinion piece by Paul Krugman. Bush's "war on terror" has played with eerie perfection into Osama bin Laden's hands.
John F. Kerry
- Vietnam vet. Leaves no one behind.
- Former GOP senator Hecht owes his life to Kerry
- Follow the money. How Kerry busted the terrorist's favourite bank. The BCCI Affair, a report to the Committee on Foreign relations, United States Senate by Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown.
- John Kerry’s 1971 testimony on Vietnam before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
The Bush Administration
The Middle-east
The war on terrorists
- Broken Engagement. General Wesley Clark's article in the Washington Monthly. The strategy that won the cold war could help bring democracy to the middle-east --if only the Bush Hawks understood it.
- The Intertnational Institute of Strategic Studies says war in Iraq has swollen the ranks of al-Qaida and "galvanised its will".
The Iraq War
- "The crazies are back" Bush Sr.'s CIA briefer Ray McGovern and former CIA analyst David MacMichael discuss how Wolfowitz and allies falsely led the U.S. to war.
- Abu Ghraib
- WaPo: A failure in Leadership. All the way up the ranks. Army report cites the Pentagon’s most senior civilian and military authorities for setting the stage for abuse. Key findings.
- Survey report on global attitudes from the Pew Research Center. Conducted Feb – Mar 2004. War in Iraq has undermined America’s credibility abroad. Most think war in Iraq hurt the war on terrorism. Majority in Pakistan, Morocco and Jordan think suicide bombings against the Americans and Westerners in Iraq is justified.
- Knight Ridder reports. Iraqi civilian casualties mounting. Operations by U.S. and multinational forces and Iraqi police are killing twice as many Iraqis – most of them civilians – as attacks by insurgents, according to statistics compiled by the Iraqi Health Ministry.
The Environment
- Crimes Against Nature. Article in Rolling Stone by Robert Kennedy Jr. In a ferocious three-year attack, the Bush administration has initiated more than 200 major rollbacks of America's environmental laws, weakening the protection of our country's air, water, public lands and wildlife.
- Reckless Abandon. How the Bush administration is exposing America’s waters to harm. A report from the Sierra Club.
- Setting the Record Straight. From NRDC. How the White House whitewashes its environmental record.