Ted Haggard
From dKosopedia
Categories: Right wing religious whack-jobs | Gay Republicans
Rev. Ted Haggard is the former anti-gay marriage fundamentalist Protestant Christian pastor of the 14,000 member New Life Church (a megachurch) in Colorado Springs, Colorado and the head of the 30 million member National Association of Evangelicals who was froced to resign becuase of his relationship with a gay prostitute.
On Thursday, Nov. 2, 2006, Haggard resigned as head of the National Association of Evangelicals. Then on Friday, Nov. 3, 2006, Haggard admitted that he purchased meth and received a massage from a 49 year old gay prostitute who claims he was paid by Haggard for drug-fueled trysts. Video of Denials. See Rev. Haggard with wife Gayle and children.
Haggard reappeared in the news only four months later, having been spiritually "rehabiliated." On Fenruary 7, 2007, Rev. Tim Ralph, Senior Pastor for New Covenant Fellowship in Larkspur, Colorado, pronounced Haggard to be "completely heterosexual." How Rev. Ralph knows this is to be a fact is unclear, but the facts of fundamentalists are not the same as the empiricallu verifiable facts that most Americans insist upon.
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- Catherine Tsai. "Evangelist Admits Meth, Message, No Sex." ABC News. Nov. 3, 2006.
- David Crary. "Haggard Case Fuels Debate Over Hypocrisy" Associated Press. Nov. 3. 2006.
- Paul Asay. "Pastor: Haggard Is Heterosexual: Gay Relationship Was ‘Acting Out’." Colorado Springs Gazette. January 7, 2007.
- "Evangelical pastor Mark Driscoll blamed Ted Haggard’s homosexual romps on wife Gayle, saying, 'A wife who is not sexually available to her husband… may not be helping.' He added, “Also, in 1988, Gayle refused to give George Michael a blow job during the Wham! Tour, and I think we all know how that turned out.”' Daily Comedy Laurie Kilmartin