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US Action

From dKosopedia

USAction is the nation’s largest progressive activist organization, dedicated to winning social, racial and economic justice for all. We join together from different backgrounds around an issue of common concern: to take our democracy back from the corporate elite and the well-heeled special interests that dominate the political process today. USAction fights to win real changes that benefit the vast majority of Americans whose voices are not being heard in our state capitols and in the corridors of power in Washington.

USAction Education Fund (USAEF) provides educational programming, technical support, and research to state, regional, and national organizations promoting social justice in the United States. USAEF devotes its primary attention to multi-issue, multi-constituency organizations that are committed to empowering low- and moderate-income communities and individuals. Our work assists them in expanding civic participation, especially for traditionally under-represented groups such as people of color, people with disabilities, low-income workers and retirees, women, and gays and lesbians. By working closely with USAction, a democratic organization governed by its thirty-three affiliates, USAEF is able to prioritize our work according to the expressed needs of the constituents we serve. USAction represents the largest grouping of such organizations in the nation.


Health Care: Winning Social and Health Security for All USAction advocates for quality, affordable health care for all, for the defense and strengthening of Medicare and Social Security, and for a prescription drug benefit for all 40 million Medicare beneficiaries.

Fair Taxes For All (FTFA): Organizing Against Massive, Irresponsible Tax Cuts The package of tax cuts proposed by President Bush are far too large, poorly designed, and highly inequitable. In contrast to the Bush plan, any economic package must provide temporary, short-term stimulus that is fiscally responsible and equitable. Further, we need comprehensive prescription drug coverage, full funding of Medicaid for all low-income families, and full funding for quality health care for all Americans, not tax cuts for the wealthy!

Consumer Rights: Fighting the right wing agenda USAction is fighting for the rights of consumers and victims of corporate abuses to have their cases heard in the courts. We oppose limits on compensation for victims of medical malpractice, product liability and asbestos exposure. We promote laws to hold corporations accountable for their behavior.

Corporate Truth Squad Alert: Showing how citizens stand up to corporations The Corporate Truth Squad CTS Alert highlights how our civil justice system gives ordinary citizens the power to stand up against corporations that commit fraud, abuse or other wrongdoing. We will distribute the CTS Alert regularly to all state legislators, Members of Congress and the media, with documentary evidence of corporate indifference to predictable illness, injury and death, uncovered by ordinary citizens seeking justice through the courts.

Asbestos: Protecting consumers USAction is fighting to protect and promote the rights of workers and other individuals who were knowingly poisoned by asbestos manufacturers and their insurance companies.

Education: Quality public schools for all students USAction is conducting a grassroots campaign to guarantee that every child has a good public education and access to an afterschool program that prepares him or her for learning, work and civic participation.

Democracy: Building grassroots political power USAction helps get progressives elected and conducts voter mobilization activities, including Transit Vote, a national, nonpartisan effort to register transit riders out get them out to vote.

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This page was last modified 20:10, 16 June 2006 by Chad Lupkes. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) ZenobiaDTC. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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