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Pyrrho:Where is our Liberty

From dKosopedia

This diary is part of my attempt to clarify a worldview for the rest of you... not to convince you of it... but merely to provide it... I have spent much of my life worrying through concepts onto a new open minded foundation. You must understand, to understand my view, that the world has for several thousand years at least bee dominated by dogmatic perspectives. Underneath this oppressive and fundamentally stupid approach to knowledge have always been the skeptics, the rebels, and honest. These seeds started to see growth in the mainstream during the Enlightment and elsewhere in human history, and what a modern progressive philosopher is struck with most is how unready our worldview, our language, really is to accomodate this undercurrent. Much of the oddness about how I use language is based on a reevaluation of terms and ideas so that everything is put on an openminded foundation of philsophical skepticism. Thus... On Liberty.

The question of "liberty" is a complicated one, fraught with the complains of whiners and those that just can't stand whining... life isn't fair you know!


Where Our Liberty Went...

Where Our Liberty Went


This is simple, it was lost to bands of roving thugs, organized crime, protection rackets. Not the majia... get real. Think Rome. No, not the mafia! Rome, you know, the old Roman Empire.

According to Rome's own legends Rome was a city of men. There are myths claiming that Roman men would invade other towns, settlements and cities to steal wives, really to steal their own progeny for themselves.

Kings did not just sprout up

The common consciousness is beset with a lot of old ideas

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This page was last modified 20:32, 4 July 2006 by Chad Lupkes. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) Pyrrho. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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