Kansas U.S. House election, 2006
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Categories: Kansas | 2006 Kansas elections
This article discusses the 2006 election for Congress in Kansas. The primary was held on August 1, 2006.
Contents |
- Jerry Moran (R) Incumbent.
- John Doll (D) (cw)
- Outlook: The district is huge, covering fully two-thirds of the state, including the thinly populated western half. Most of these counties came out for Kathleen Sebelius (Democratic Governor of Kansas) in the last election. There is good reason to believe that Kansans, like all Americans, are ready for a change in Washington and disapprove of the direction our current Congress is taking. Jerry Moran has voted with the slim majority of hardline Republicans during the last few years - votes which may cause him trouble in this election. As Kansans take note of Jerry Moran's votes to slash Medicare, Veterans' healthcare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Student Loans, they will become increasingly dissatisfied with Moran's representation. Additionally, Moran receives tremendous campaign financing from oil and energy corporations, pharmaceuticals and has even taken campaign money from Tom DeLay. John Doll, on the other hand, is dedicated to returning government to the people and speaks consistently about representing the people, not the powerful. Steam is likely to gather for John Doll as the election draws near.
- General election results:
Jerry Moran (R) 153,298 79% John Doll (D) 38,820 20% Sylvester Cain (Ref.) 2,792 1%
- Incumbent: Jim Ryun (R)
- Challenger: Nancy Boyda (D) cw
- Outlook: Boyda ran a credible campaign in 2004, with Kerry at the top of the ticket. She should do better this time with popular Gov. Kathleen Sebelius running for re-election.
- Outlook: Possible Democratic pickup.
- External link:
- Moon, Chris. Ryun's story on Foley changes -- Manager: Congressman has always known who lived across street Topeka Capitol-Journal Online, October 23, 2006.
- Ryun concedes race is tight Lawrence Journal-World, October 31, 2006.
- General election results:
Nancy Boyda (D) 111,759 51% Jim Ryun (R) 104,128 47% Roger Tucker (Ref.) 4,980 2%
- Incumbant: Dennis Moore (D) cw
- Republican challengers:
- Chuck Ahner (R) cw
Thomas Scherer (R) cwScott Schwab (R) cw
- Outlook: This is a swing district, but Moore will probably be re-elected.
- General election results:
Dennis Moore (D) 149,480 64% Chuck Ahner (R) 78,446 34% Robert Conroy (Ref.) 3,925 2%
- Incumbant: Todd Tiahrt (R).
- Democratic challengers:
Tim Erickson cw- Garth J. McGinn cw
Marty MorkPatrick Quaney cw- Ron Voth cw
- Outlook: The district is solidly Republican, despite Tiahrt's bizarre posturings, and short of a major scandal, his re-election seems likely. McGinn and Voth were only 38 votes apart in the Democratic primary, so there will be a recount.
- General election results:
Todd Tiahrt (R) 113,676 64% Garth McGinn (D) 60,297 34% Joy Holt (Ref.) 4,516 3%