California U.S. House election, 2006
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Category: 2006 California elections
This article discusses the 2006 elections for U.S. House in California. The filing deadline was March 10th, 2006, and the official list of certified candidates can be found at the Secretary of State: Candidate Info.
- Mike Thompson (D) - Incumbent (hw)
- John W. Jones (R) - retired police officer
- Pamela Elizonda (G) (cw)
- Timothy J. Stock (PFP)
- General election results:
Thompson, Mike (D) 111,650 66.00% Jones, John (R) 49,663 29.36% Elizondo, Pamela (G) 5,164 3.05% Stock, Timothy (PFP) 2,686 1.59%
- Wally Herger (R) - Incumbent (hw) (cw)
- Arjinderpal J. Sekhon (D) (cw)
- E. Kent Hinesley (Libertarian) (cw)
- General election results:
Herger (R) 108,002 64% Sekhon (D) 54,829 33% Hinesley (L) 5,613 3%
- Dan Lungren (R) - Incumbent (hw)
- Bill Durston (D) - physician (cw)
- D.A. "Art" Tuma (Libertarian)
- Michael Roskey (PFP)
- General election results:
Lungren (R) 95,682 59% Durston (D) 61,579 38% Tuma (L) 2,767 2% Roskey 1,727 1%
- John Doolittle (R) incumbent (hw)
- Charles Brown (D) - police department official. (cw)
- Dan Warren (Libertarian) (cw)
- General election results:
Doolittle (R) 104,746 49% Brown (D) 97,217 46% Warren (L) 10,668 5%
- External link:
- kos. CA-04: Doolittle enabled sexual predator Daily Kos, October 17, 2006.
- McKinley, Jesse. Incumbents on the Ropes Over Ties to Abramoff New York Times, October 27, 2006.
- Daily Kos => CA-04
- Doris Matsui (D) - Incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- X. Claire Yan (R) (cw)
- Jeff Kravitz (Green) (cw)
- John Reiger (PFP) (cw)
- General election results:
Matsui (D) 76,013 71% Yan (R) 25,028 23% Kravitz (G) 4,728 5% Reiger 1,483 1%
- Lynn Woolsey (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Todd Lewis Hooper (R) (cw)
- Richard W. Friesen (Lib) (cw)
- General election results:
Woolsey (D) 127,777 69% Hooper (R) 50,061 27% Friesen (L) 6,802 4%
- George Miller (D) incumbent. (hw)
- Camden McConnell (Libertarian) (cw)
- General election results:
Miller (D) 105,101 84% McConnell (L) 20,400 16%
- Nancy Pelosi (D) incumbent (hw)
- Mike DeNunzio (R) (cw)
- Krissy Keefer (Green) (cw)
- Philip Berg (L)
- Gerardo Sanchez (Write-In)
- General election results:
Pelosi (D) 110,989 80% DeNunzio (R) 14,596 11% Keefer (G) 10,422 8% Berg (L) 2,054 1%
- Barbara Lee (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- John Dendulk (R) (cw)
- James Eyer (Lib) (cw)
- General election results:
Lee (D) 117,571 86% den Dulk (R) 15,724 11% Eyer (L) 4,013 3%
- Ellen Tauscher (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Darcy Linn (R)
- General election results:
Tauscher (D) 110,281 66% Linn (R) 56,200 34%
- Richard Pombo (R) incumbent. (hw)(cw)
- Jerry McNerney (D) - Renewable energy developer. (cw)
- General election results:
McNerney (D) 88,835 53% Pombo (R) 78,223 47%
- Outlook: Both of Pombo's primary challengers, former Congressman Pete McCloskey and Tom Begnino, have endorsed McNerney. McNerney won a tough Democratic primary against the DCCC endorsed candidate, Steve Filson. According to the Cook report (Oct. 6, 2006): Lean Republican. [1]
- External links:
- 7. Enemy of the Earth: Dick Pombo (R-Calif) Rolling Stone, October 20, 2006.
- Bielke, Rick. Rep. Pombo's Refusal to Investigate Jack Abramoff Exposed in Hard-Hitting, But Humorous, Television Ad -- One Of The 13 Most Corrupt Members Of Congress, Pombo Took Thousands In Campaign Donations From Convicted Lobbyist And His Clients U.S. Newswire, October 26, 2006.
- McKinley, Jesse. Incumbents on the Ropes Over Ties to Abramoff New York Times, October 27, 2006.
- Jerry McNerney, California's Jon Tester
- Daily Kos => CA-11
- Tom Lantos (D) incumbent
- Mike Moloney (R)
- General election results:
Lantos (D) 107,586 76% Moloney (R) 34,655 24%
- Fortney Stark (D) - Incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- George I. Bruno (R) (cw)
- General election results:
Stark (D) 83,909 74% Bruno (R) 29,193 26%
- Anna Eshoo (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Rob Smith (R)
- Carole Brouillet (G) (cw)
- Brian Holtz (L) (cw)
- General election results:
Eshoo (D) 118,509 71% Smith (R) 41,144 25% Holtz (L) 3,987 2% Brouillet (G) 3,835 2%
- Mike Honda (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Raymond Chukwu (R) (cw)
- General election results:
Honda (D) 106,742 72% Chukwu (R) 41,162 28%
- Zoe Lofgren (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Charel Winston (R) (cw)
- General election results:
Lofgren (D) 90,724 73% Winston (R) 34,159 27%
- Sam Farr (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Anthony R. DeMaio (R)
- Chris Brozda (Write-In) (cw)
- General election results:
Farr (D) 86,617 77% De Maio (R) 26,013 23%
- Dennis Cardoza (D) incumbent (hw) (cw)
- John A. Kanno (R) - Electrical engineer. (cw)
- General election results:
Cardoza (D) 59,577 66% Kanno (R) 30,987 34%
- George Radanovich (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- TJ Cox (D) Challenger. (cw)
- General election results:
Radanovich (R) 91,863 60% Cox (D) 60,459 40%
- Jim Costa (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw) was unopposed in the 2006 elections.
- Daily Kos => CA-20
- Devin Nunes (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Steve Hayes (D) (cw)
- John Miller (G) (cw)
- General election results:
Nunes (R) 82,258 67% Haze (D) 37,374 30% Miller (G) 4,033 3%
- William Thomas (R) incumbent, retiring in 2006. Open Seat
- Kevin McCarthy (R) (cw)
- Sharon Beery (D) (cw)
- General election results:
McCarthy (R) 114,540 71% Beery (D) 47,592 29%
- Lois Capps (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Victor Tognazzini (R)
- General election results:
Capps (D) 86,712 65% Tognazzini (R) 46,964 35%
- Elton Gallegly (R) incumbent (hw)
- Jill Martinez (D) - Minister. (cw)
- General election results:
Gallegly (R) 91,660 62% Martinez (D) 57,363 38%
- Daily Kos => CA-24
- External Links:
- GOP Leaders Urge Gallegly to Run for Reelection L.A. Times, March 15, 2006.
- Gallegly Reverses Decision and Will Run Taegan Goddard's Political Wire, March 15, 2006.
- Howard McKeon (R) incumbent
- Robert Rodriguez (D) (cw)
- David W. Erickson (L)
- General election results:
McKeon (R) 84,188 60% Rodriguez (D) 49,695 36% Erickson (L) 6,034 4%
- David Dreier (R) incumbent (cw)
- Cynthia Matthews (D) (cw)
- Elliott Graham (AIP) (cw)
- Ted Brown (L) (cw)
- General election results:
Dreier (R) 89,013 57% Matthews (D) 59,920 38% Brown (L) 5,051 3% Graham (AIP) 2,881 2%
- Outlook: Dreier only got 53% in 2004, despite outspending his opponent by 25-1. Wesley Clark had endorsed Russ Warner. However, Matthews won an upset victory over Russ Warner in the primary.
- Daily Kos => CA-26
- Brad Sherman (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Peter Hankwitz (R) (cw)
- General election results:
Sherman (D) 85,170 69% Hankwitz (R) 38,610 31%
- Howard Berman (D) incumbent. (hw)
- Stanley Kimmel Kesselman (R)
- Bryon De Lear (G) (blog)
- Kelley Ross (L) (cw)
- General election results:
Berman (D) 72,904 74% Kesselman (R) 18,800 19% De Lear (G) 3,463 4% Ross (L) 3,290 3%
- Adam Schiff (D) incumbent. (hw)
- Bill Bodell (R) (cw)
- Bill Paparian (G) (cw)
- Jim Keller (L) (cw)
- Lynda Llamas (PFP) (cw)
- John Burton (Write-In) (cw)
- General election results:
Schiff (D) 83,409 64% Bodell (R) 36,107 27% Paparian (G) 7,241 5% Llamas (PFP) 2,335 2% Keller (L) 2,032 2%
- Henry Waxman (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- David Nelson Jones (R) ( cw)
- Adele Cannon (PFP) ( cw)
- General election results:
Waxman (D) 136,176 71% Jones (R) 50,849 27% Cannon (PFP) 4,039 2%
- Xavier Becerra (D) incumbent. (hw) Becerra was unopposed in the 2006 elections.
- Daily Kos => CA-31
- Hilda Solis (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Leland Faegre (L) (cw)
- General election results:
Solis (D) 70,637 83% Faegre (L) 14,598 17%
- Diane Watson (D) incumbent. (hw) Watson was unopposed in the 2006 elections.
- Daily Kos => CA-33
- Lucille Roybal-Allard (D) incumbent. (hw)
- Wayne Miller (R)
- Naomi Craine (Write-In)
- General election results:
Roybal-Allard (D) 52,516 77% Miller (R) 16,013 23%
- Maxine Waters (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Gordon Mego (AIP)
- Paul Ireland (L) (cw)
- Michael Ortega (Write-In)
- General election results:
Waters (D) 74,431 83% Mego (AIP) 7,662 9% Ireland (L) 7,052 8%
- Jane Harman (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Brian Gibson (R)
- Mike Binkley (Libertarian) (cw)
- Jim Smith (PFP) (cw)
- General election results:
Harman (D) 96,332 63% Gibson (R) 48,677 32% Smith (PFP) 4,115 3% Binkley (L) 2,885 2%
- Juanita Millender-McDonald(D) incumbent. (hw)
- Herb Peters (Libertarian) (cw)
- General election results:
Millender-McDonald (D) 72,726 82% Peters (L) 15,550 18%
- Grace Napolitano (D) incumbent. (cw)
- Sydney W. Street (R)
- General election results:
Napolitano (D) 68,917 75% Street (R) 22,591 25%
- Linda Sanchez (D) incumbent. (hw)
- James Andion (R)
- General election results:
Sanchez (D) 67,179 66% Andion (R) 34,872 34%
- Ed Royce (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Christina Avalos (D) (cw)
- Florice Hoffman (D) - Attorney, Ex-Labor Union Organizer. (cw)
- Philip H. Inman (L)
- General election results:
Royce (R) 90,925 67% Hoffman (D) 41,552 31% Inman (L) 3,453 2%
- Jerry Lewis (R) incumbent. (hw)
- Louis A. Contreras (D) (cw)
- General election results:
Lewis (R) 82,011 67% Contreras (D) 40,777 33%
- External links:
- Berthelsen, Christian. 3 Southland Congressional Seats Safe, Despite Ethics Issues -- The GOP lawmakers are expected to win despite questions. LA Times, October 14, 2006.
- Simon, Richard. Legal Fees Are Drain on Lewis' War Chest -- The congressman from Redlands has paid lawyers $750,000 amid a federal lobbying probe. LA Times, October 18, 2006.
- Simon, Richard. Rep. Lewis Is House's Top Recipient of Lobbyist Donations -- A watchdog study ranks lawmakers by how much campaign money is from special interests. Members of both parties are high on the lists. LA Times, October 19, 2006.
- Daily Kos => CA-41
- Gary Miller (R) incumbent. (hw)
- External links:
- Berthelsen, Christian. 3 Southland Congressional Seats Safe, Despite Ethics Issues -- The GOP lawmakers are expected to win despite questions. LA Times, October 14, 2006.
- Daily Kos => CA-42
Baca (D) 43,571 65% Folkens (R) 23,432 35%
- Ken Calvert (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Louis Vandenberg (D) (cw)
- Kevin Akin (PFP) (cw)
- General election results:
Calvert (R) 67,942 59% Vandenberg (D) 42,950 38% Akin (PFP) 3,410 3%
- External links:
- Berthelsen, Christian. 3 Southland Congressional Seats Safe, Despite Ethics Issues -- The GOP lawmakers are expected to win despite questions. LA Times, October 14, 2006.
- Daily Kos => CA-44
- Mary Bono (R) incumbent. (site)
- David Roth (D) - College Official and State Student Aid Commission Member. (cw)
- General election results:
Bono (R) 62,007 59% Roth (D) 42,384 41%
- Dana Rohrabacher (R) incumbent. (hw)
- Jim Brandt (D) - Technology Executive. (cw)
- Dennis Chang (Lib) (cw)
- General election results:
Rohrabacher (R) 105,232 59% Brandt (D) 65,192 37% Chang (L) 6,567 4%
- Loretta Sanchez (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Tan D. Nguyen (R) (cw)
- General election results:
Sanchez (D) 38,220 62% Nguyen (R) 23,893 38%
- Comments: Orange County Republican leaders called for Nguyen to withdraw, after his campaign sent letters to thousands of Hispanic households saying that it is illegal for immigrants to vote. (Source: GOP wants own candidate to pull out).
- Daily Kos => CA-47
- John Campbell (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Steve Young (D) (cw)
- Bruce Cohen (L) (site)
- General election results:
Campbell (R) 108,666 60% Young (D) 67,835 37% Cohen (L) 5,176 3%
- External links:
- Steve Young Daily Kos diary
- Steve Young -- CA 48th blog.
- CanYouBeAngryAndStillDream. CA-48 Is ours if we want it. Steve Young is on fire! Daily Kos, Oct 10, 2006.
- Prop 90: Enriching the Rich, Making Us Their Bitch The Blotter, October 13, 2006.
- Daily Kos => CA-48
- Darrell Issa (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Jeeni Criscenzo (D) - Freelance Journalist. (cw)
- Lars R. Grossmith (L)
- General election results:
Issa (R) 77,804 63% Criscenzo (D) 41,500 34% Grossmith (L) 3,898 3%
- Related links:
- Randy Cunningham (R) - Incumbent, resigned November 28, 2005.
On June 6, there will be two simultaneous elections in this district. The winner of the Special Election Runoff will be seated immediately to finish the rest of former Rep. Cunningham's term in the 109th Congress. The winner of the General Election will become the district's representative in the 110th Congress, beginning in January, 2007. If no one gets 50% in the primary, then a runoff will be held in about six weeks. Rcent polls show Democrat Francine Busby tied or slightly ahead of Republican Brian Bilbray. And 100% of all polls show Duke Cunningham in to be in prison where he belongs.
- Brian Bilbray (R) - former Congressman, former San Diego County Supervisor and former Imperial Beach Mayor. Bilbray has won the Special election runoff. (cw)
- Francine Busby (D) - college Professor, businesswoman. (cw)
- External Links
- Welch, William M. 15% may be enough to run off to House USA Today, April 23, 2006.
- San Diego Vote - official site.
- Daily Kos => CA-50
- District Blogs => CA-50
- Francine Busby (D) - college Professor, businesswoman. (cw)
- Brian Bilbray (R) - incumbent, former San Diego County Supervisor and former Imperial Beach Mayor. (hw) (cw)
- Paul King (Lib) (cw)
- Miriam E. Clark (PFP)
- General election results:
Bilbray, Brian (R) 101,967 53.52% Busby, Francine (D) 82,175 43.13% King, Paul (L) 3,529 1.85% Clark, Miriam (PFP) 2,858 1.50%
- External Links
- San Diego Vote - official site.
- Daily Kos => CA-50
- Bob Filner (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- Blake L. Miles (R) (cw)
- Dan Litwin (L) (cw)
- General election results:
Filner, Bob (D) 62,412 66.94% Miles, Blake (R) 28,609 30.69% Litwin, Dan (L) 2,211 2.37%
- Duncan Hunter (R) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- John Rinaldi (D) (cw)
- Michael Benoit (Lib) (cw)
- General election results:
Hunter, Duncan (R) 106,363 65.00% Rinaldi, John (D) 51,702 31.60% Benoit, Michael (L) 5,562 3.40%
- Susan Davis (D) incumbent. (hw) (cw)
- John Woodrum (R) (cw)
- Ernie Lippe (L)
- General election results:
Davis, Susan (D) 80,305 66.89% Woodrum, Woody (R) 36,831 30.68% Lippe, Ernie (L) 2,924 2.44%