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U.S. Senate election, 2006

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Seats up for election. Republican incumbents are red, Democratic incumbents are blue, open Republican seats are pink, open Democratic seats are light blue, and the open independent seat is yellow. States without a seat up for reelection are gray.
Seats up for election. Republican incumbents are red, Democratic incumbents are blue, open Republican seats are pink, open Democratic seats are light blue, and the open independent seat is yellow. States without a seat up for reelection are gray.

Elections for the United States Senate will be held on November 7, 2006, with 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate being contested. Since Senators are elected for six-year terms, those elected will serve from January 3, 2007 until January 3, 2013. Those Senators who were elected in 2000 will be seeking reelection or retiring in 2006.

The 2006 House election is scheduled for the same date as the Senate election, as well as many state and local elections, including those for 36 state governors.


Major Parties

Of the seats being contested, 17 are held by Democrats, 15 are held by Republicans, and 1 by an independent who votes with the Democratic caucus.

The Senate is currently composed of 55 Republicans, who have been in the majority since 2003, 44 Democrats, and 1 independent. (The independent, former Republican Jim Jeffords of Vermont, began voting with the Democratic caucus in 2001, but will not seek re-election.)

To gain a majority in the Senate, Democrats will need 51 seats, holding their 17 seats at risk and acquiring a gain of 6 or 7 seats depending on whether the open Vermont seat is won by a Republican. (With only 50 seats, the Democrats would remain in the minority as Vice President Dick Cheney as President of the Senate, breaks all tie votes.

To gain a "working majority" of 60 members, the number of votes required to break a filibuster, Republicans will need to gain five seats and hold their 15 seats at risk.

2006 Races


14 up for re-election


14 up for re-election

Daniel Akaka (HI) George Allen (VA) Democratic (MD)
Jeff Bingaman (NM) Conrad Burns (MT) Democratic (MN)
Robert Byrd (WV) Lincoln Chafee (RI) Democratic (NJ)
Maria Cantwell (WA) Mike DeWine (OH) Republican (TN)
Thomas Carper (DE) John Ensign (NV) Independent (VT)
Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY) Orrin Hatch (UT)
Kent Conrad (ND) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX)
Dianne Feinstein (CA) Jon Kyl (AZ)
Edward Kennedy (MA) Trent Lott (MS)
Herb Kohl (WI) Richard Lugar (IN)
Joe Lieberman (CT) Rick Santorum (PA)
Ben Nelson (NE) Olympia Snowe (ME)
Bill Nelson (FL) James Talent (MO)
Debbie Stabenow (MI) Craig Thomas (WY)

Races to watch

It is not yet clear which seats will have the most competitive races. Incumbent senators have a high rate of re-election, even when their party affiliation is at odds with the political trends of their state. The most competitive races tend to be those where the incumbent has retired, and those races in which the incumbent has served only one term are frequently competitive.

Additional special elections that are held due to the death or resignation of Senators in the interim would change the party balances listed above.

Retiring Senators

Notable Democratic incumbent races

Notable Republican incumbent races

Complete list of Senate contests in 2006

State Incumbent Status Competing candidates See also
Arizona Jon Kyl (R) Won 4th term Jim Pederson (D)

Richard Mack (L)

Main Article
California Dianne Feinstein (D) Won 3rd full term Colleen Fernald (D)

Dick Mountjoy (R)
Don Grundmann (AIP)
Todd Chretien (G)
Michael Metti (Lib)
Marsha Feinland (PFP)
Jeff Mackler (Write-In)
Lea Sherman (Write-In)

Main Article
Connecticut Joseph I. Lieberman (I) Won 4th term Ned Lamont (D)

Alan Schlesinger (R)
Ralph Ferrucci (G)
John Mertens (Independent Party)
Timothy Knibbs (Concerned Citizens)

Main Article
Delaware Thomas Carper (D) Won 2nd term Jan Ting (R)
Main Article
Florida William Nelson (D) Won 2nd term Katherine Harris (R)

Floyd Ray Frazier (I)
Brian Moore (I)
Belinda Noah (I)
Roy Tanner (I)
Lawrence Sidney Scott (Write-In)
Bernie Senter (Write-In)

Main Article
Hawaii Daniel Akaka (D) Won 3rd full term Ed Case (D)

Mark Beatty (R)
Jerry Coffee (R) - Withdrew.
Chas Collins (R)
Jay Friedheim (R)
Eddie Pirkowski (R)
Steve Tataii (R)
Lloyd "Jeff" Mallan (L)
C.K.J. Amsterdam (I)

Main Article
Indiana Richard Lugar (R)

Steve Osborn (Libertarian)

Won 6th term Main Article
Maine Olympia Snowe (R) Won 3rd term Jean Hay Bright (D)

Bill Slavick (I)
Michael Beardsley (Write-In)

Main Article
Maryland Paul Sarbanes (D) Sarbanes retired. Cardin won 1st term. Ben Cardin (D)

Michael S. Steele (R)
Kevin Zeese (G)

Main Article
Massachusetts Edward Kennedy (D) Won 8th full term Ken Chase (R)
Main Article
Michigan Debbie Stabenow (D) Won 2nd term Mike Bouchard (R)

David Sole (Green)
Leonard Schwartz (L)
W. Dennis FitzSimons (US Taxpayers)

Main Article
Minnesota Mark Dayton (D) Dayton retired. Klobuchar won 1st term Amy Klobuchar (DFL)

Mark Kennedy (R)
Ben Powers (Constitution)
Michael Cavlan (Green)
Robert Fitzgerald (IP)
Charles Aldrich (L)
Jeff Miller (New Union)
Peter Idusogie (I)
Rebecca Williamson (Write-In)

Main Article
Mississippi Trent Lott (R) Won 4th term Erik Fleming (D)

Harold Taylor (Libertarian)

Main Article
Missouri Jim Talent (R) Talent lost. McCaskill won 1st term Claire McCaskill (D)

Frank Gilmour (L)
Lydia Lewis (Progressive)

Main Article
Montana Conrad Burns (R) Burns lost. Tester won 1st term Jon Tester (D)

Stan Jones (L)

Main Article
Nebraska Ben Nelson (D) Running for 2nd term Pete Ricketts (R)
Main Article
Nevada John Ensign (R) Won 2nd term Jack Carter (D)

David Schumann (IAP)
Ed Hamilton (R)
Brendan Trainor (L)

Main Article
New Jersey Bob Menendez (D) Won 1st full term Tom Kean Jr. (R)

Ed Forchion (LMP)
Len Flynn (L)
Greg Pason (Socialist)
Angela Lariscy (Socialist Workers)
Daryl Brooks (I)
J.M. Carter (I)
N. Leonard Smith (I)

Main Article
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman (D) Won 5th term Allen McCulloch (R)

Orlin Cole (Write-In)

Main Article
New York Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) Won 2nd term John Spencer (R)

Howie Hawkins (G)
Kathleen McFarland (Jobs)
Jeff Russell (LIBT)
Bill Van Auken (Socialist Equality)
Roger Calero (SWP)

Main Article
North Dakota Kent Conrad (D) Won 2nd term Dwight Grotberg (R) Main Article
Ohio Mike DeWine (R) DeWine lost. Brown won 1st term Sherrod Brown (D)

Richard Duncan (Independent)

Main Article
Pennsylvania Richard J. Santorum (R) Santorum lost. Casey won 1st term. Bob Casey, Jr. (D)

Carl Edwards (Constitution)
Carl Romanelli (G)
Tom Martin (L)
Stanley Hetz (Socialist)
Ved Dookhum (Write-In)

Main Article
Rhode Island Lincoln Chafee (R) Chafee lost. Whitehouse won 1st term. Sheldon Whitehouse (D), Carl Sheeler (D)
Steve Laffey (R)
Main Article
Tennessee William H. Frist (R) Frist retired. Corker won 1st term. Bob Corker (R)

Harold Ford, Jr. (D)
Chris Lugo (G)
Ed Choate (I)
David Gatchell (I)
Emory "Bo" Heyward (I)
H. Gary Keplinger (I)

Main Article
Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) Won 3rd full term Barbara Ann Radnofsky (D)

Scott Jameson (L)
Amanda Ulman (Write-In)

Main Article
Utah Orrin Hatch (R) Won 6th term Pete Ashdown (D) Main Article
Vermont Jim Jeffords (I) Jeffords retiring. Sanders won 1st term. Bernie Sanders (I)

Richard Tarrant (R)
Craig Hill (G)
Peter Diamondstone (Liberty Union)
Cris Ericson (I)
Steve Moyer (I)

Main Article
Virginia George Allen (R) Allen lost. Webb won 1st term. James H. Webb (D)

Gail Parker (G)

Main Article
Washington Maria Cantwell (D) Won 2nd term Mike McGavick (R)

Mark Wilson (D)
Aaron Dixon (G)
Bruce Guthrie (L)
Robin Adair (Independent)
David Rosenfeld (Write-In)

Main Article
West Virginia Robert C. Byrd (D) Won 9th term John Raese (R)

Jesse Johnson (Mountain)

Main Article
Wisconsin Herbert H. Kohl (D) Won 4th term. Robert Lorge (R)

Rae Vogeler (G)
Ben Glatzel (I)

Main Article
Wyoming Craig L. Thomas (R) Won 3rd term Dale Groutage (D)

William McPherson (I)

Main Article

Party abbreviations

AI Alaskan Independence
B Builders
C Constitution
CNY New York Conservative
D Democratic
G Green
I (none)
L Libertarian
LU Liberty Union
M Marijuana
NL Natural Law
PC Personal Choice
PFP Peace and Freedom
PG Pacific Green
R Republican
Ref Reform
SW Socialist Workers
UC United Citizens
V Veterans

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External link

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This page was last modified 15:07, 24 February 2008 by dKosopedia user DrDebug. Based on work by Cris Ericson, Friends Eddie US Senate Hawaii 2006 and Chad Lupkes and dKosopedia user(s) Jbet777, Pinkpanther, Corncam and Centerfielder. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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